Get Featured in New Categories

Over the last few months, I heard a common request from our coaches:

Please update the categories in our Habit Coaching Directory.

Clients are seeking support in new areas, and we want to make it easy to find a coach that matches their focus. Plus, it helps our coaches more effectively market their coaching.

Two weeks ago, we asked our core community to identify the most important new categories and the key habits associated with each of them. The collaborative conversation was beautiful and resulted in an excellent list.

I’m delighted to announce that we’ll be pushing the updates live this week.

What’s new?

Categories for Creativity, Wellness, and Growing Your Business will be added this week. You’ll see them on the Coaching Directory page.

Before the end of the year, more new categories such as Leadership, Relationships, and Mindset will be added as well.

What does this mean for coaches?

Certified Coaches can now select to be featured in any of the new categories (or the existing ones).

It’s a two-step process:

1. Choose a category to be featured in from the drop-down menu. The Featured tab is found in the Habit Coaching section of your Coach Settings Dashboard.

2. Name at least one of your Individual Coaching Packages the same as one of the featured habits in that category. (It’s best to copy and paste to make sure it’s identical.)

What are the new Featured Habits?

For Creativity:

For Wellness:

For Grow Your Business:

Where is the full list of Featured Habits?

For the full list of featured habits, here’s the article from our Training Library.

It also has more detailed instructions for updating the settings in your Coach Dashboard.

Where can I make a recommendation about Featured Habits or Categories?

Join the conversation in our Discord community. It’s the best way to be sure you’re plugged in to emerging features and beta projects.


The post originally appeared on following source : Source link

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