So… What Does a Copywriter Do Exactly?

What is a copywriter, and what makes a copywriter different from other types of writers? Get the definitive guide.

Bill Gates once said that content is king, and he was right. Content is what drives marketing in the digital world.

There are many terms used to describe writers in the modern marketing world. Strategists, specialists, content creators, and the list goes on. While there are similarities between all of them, there are a few professions that deserve their own title.

A copywriter is a very specific subset of content writers who have clear goals.

In this article, we’ll help you learn what a copywriter is and what they do that makes them unique from other types of digital content creators.

We’ll also discuss where you can find copywriters for your business and get the benefits of high-quality copywriting today.

What is a Copywriter?

A copywriter is a type of content writer that has been around for a long time.

Copywriting refers to the creation of content that is meant to encourage readers to buy a product or service or take a specific action that moves them through the sales pipeline.

Rather than writing informative blogs or in-depth research articles, the copywriter is much more focused on short-form content that can convince readers to do something in only a few words. This requires a specialized skill set that not every digital content writer has.

That’s what makes copywriters unique and highly sought after by businesses of all shapes and sizes.

What Exactly Does a Copywriter Do?

A copywriter is a content creator that focuses on advertising.

That might mean selling a product or service or otherwise helping the sales team accomplish a goal, such as registering their information or setting an appointment.

Everything from billboards to commercials to social media ads comes from copywriters. Other things a copywriter might do include:

  • Creating concepts for advertising campaigns
  • Researching products and competitors
  • Creating multimedia content
  • Developing a brand voice
  • Editing and revising copy
  • Analyzing the results of ad campaigns

What is a Freelance Copywriter?

While some copywriters work in-house at a company and solely create content for their employer, there are also freelance copywriters who work for themselves.

Just like other types of freelance writers, a freelance copywriter is a person who has a roster of clients that they help on a project-by-project basis.

There are many reasons why a copywriter might consider freelancing. For one, it allows them to be their own boss and pick and choose the clients they work with. It also opens up the spectrum of revenue they can collect and gives them more freedom to organize their days.

However, there are also risks, like struggling to find clients, managing a business, and the lack of security that comes from a traditional job.

What is a UX Copywriter?

“UX” is an acronym for “user experience”.

A UX copywriter is someone who specializes in creating copy aimed at improving the user experience on a company’s website or other channels. This includes copy that helps users make the right decision or instructs them on what to do next.

Things like app instructions, website prompts, or data visualizations all fall under the umbrella of UX copywriting.

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Copywriter?

Like all writing positions, there are specialized skill sets that are needed to become a copywriter. These include:

  • Strong writing skills
  • Technical skills
  • Creative thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Research skills
  • Editing skills
  • Analysis skills

Do Copywriters Make Good Money?

The average copywriter’s salary falls at around $58,000 a year.

Beginners will have to work up to that number, and experienced copywriters might earn much more.

It’s also important to note that freelancers might be able to earn more than salaried employees, as they can take on more clients to earn more money.

You can explore what you can earn on platforms like WriterAccess.

How Can a Beginner Start Copywriting?

The best way to begin is to get out there and start writing. By taking on small jobs and working up, you can build a reputation for yourself and develop a strong resume.

A platform like WriterAccess is geared toward freelancers and is a great way to start a side hustle until you have enough experience and clients to go full-time.

What Kind of Education is Required to Be a Copywriter?

There is no specific certificate or education level required to become a copywriter.

Virtually anyone who can write can become a copywriter if they put in the time.

However, those with a writing background or degree might have a much easier job getting hired than those who don’t have higher education or work history in writing, marketing, or related fields.

Keep this in mind as you consider a copywriting career.

Which Type of Copywriting is the Easiest?

There is no specific type of copywriting that is universally easy for writers.

Depending on your skills, expertise, and interests, there will be certain types of copywriting that are easier for you to accomplish and certain projects that test your skills.

Because copywriting is all about persuasive writing, you need to be able to convince readers to take an action, which is difficult to accomplish, no matter what type of project you are working on.

What Type of Copywriting is Most in Demand?

There are a few different types of copywriters that specialize in different areas and are constantly in demand. These include:

  • Brand copywriting
  • B2B and B2C copywriting
  • Email copywriting
  • PR copywriting
  • SEO copywriting
  • Social media copywriting
  • UX copywriting

Wrap Up

Copywriters fulfill an important purpose in today’s modern business world. They specialize in creating short, persuasive copy that encourages readers to take direct action. Without them, campaigns and ads would fall flat.

To learn more about how you can hire a copywriter, try WriterAccess free for 2-weeks and discover how valuable a great freelance copywriter can be for your business.

Jennifer A. is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments. WriterAccess is powered by ideaLaunch.

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