Meet Sabrina Bordley

Please introduce yourself to the Creating Change Magazine.

I am a native of Jacksonville, Florida. I am married to Darrell Bordley and we have one son, Jonathan. I hold a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from DeVry University. I am passionate about the advancement of all people in the area of business, entrepreneurship and ministry. I have found myself at the helm of Market Place Ministry and speak on this concept each time the opportunity presents itself. I have assisted several entrepreneur’s nationwide in the start of their businesses as well as Ministry efforts. I am a licensed Life and Ministry Coach and owner of SSBordley Enterprises . I am a member of several prestigious organizations and the Chief Visionary of The Couch The Conversation The Coaches. I work closely with many Ministry leaders in the area of strategic marketing, business planning, image consulting, and content creation. I am an accomplished writer, author and Ministry leader. I live by the motto; “An open hand is never empty, and a closed palm is never full”. As a Minister of the Gospel, I remind my audience that, “walking in obedience, is what it will take, to get the job done”.

Could you tell us what type of business you have and how long you’ve been operating your business?

I offer Coaching services to women in Ministry and Business. The name of company is SSBordley Enterprises. I have been a full time entrepreneur for two years as of April 2, 2023. Website:

What inspires you to pursue your dreams and goals?

My passion and love for seeing others succeed in what brings them the greatest joy. I have watched many ministries grow by reaching those in the virtual world with whom they would have otherwise had little to no connection. The world has changed and we must be willing to change! Sometimes church folks are so stuck in tradition that they miss the goal of drawing the soul (many will catch that at a later time).

What are 3 valuable lessons you have learned as a creative and changemaker?

1. Provide quality products and offer sound and proven strategies to others.

2. Perform above your level of comfort and push past what would be considered normal.

3. Remember mediocrity is not an option.

Let’s talk about the services/products you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I am a Social Imagery, Life Application and Lifestyle Coach. I provide services to women in Business and/or Ministry who are looking to apply everyday knowledge to their business, life, brand and ministry. I assist in the start-up of businesses, social media management, increase revenue, create passive income streams, and assist with lifestyle and imagery campaigns. I often tell people, “what is in you, will come out!” Therefore, I offer a three step program that builds the women from the inside out!

What is your ultimate secret to your success?

Consistency, without consistency the vision will perish. As a social media manager…I love social media for the purposes of being social. I have met so many like minded people who truly and genuinely support my efforts, whether it be via a share, a comment or an inbox. I remember when Facebook first became a thing, the saints deemed it as demonic and full of evil until we had to use it to reach the masses! I use my platform to promote my brand, my business and my Ministry. I share tips about business, snippets of my life and the things that mean the most to me. I am real, transparent and authentic. I post daily. I am consistent and strategic about my content. There are times when I engage and other times where I simply post an opinion to start a debate. But again, it is all purposeful content. The engagement moves me through the algorithm boosting my name and prompts people to scroll my page who would have never given me a second look.

What is coming up next for you?

Where ever Gods lead I will follow! One thing I can assure you is to STAY CONNECTED!!!

How can we stay connected with you?

Get to know more about me at

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1 comment

Dawn April 19, 2023 - 9:04 pm
This was an awesome way to get to know a little about Sabrina Bordley. The important details regarding business services for what I need are all here. The Bible tells us to ask, seek and knock. I will be asking her questions, seeking her services and knocking down walls to get to the doors waiting for me to walk through them. I believe Coach Sabrina B has what it takes to get me there. I'm biased because I have followed her for a little while and the truth is in the proof. Just follow her to see for yourself. She literally does post everyday and it's always a word for growth.
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