Where To Hire A Content Manager?

Producing, creating, and distributing great content make a business stand out.

Content is one of the most powerful tools of digital marketing, so having a clear process and ownership of your content creation is important for businesses that want to succeed.

In order to have control over your content, it’s helpful to employ the services of a content manager. A content manager is a person who can create a content strategy and plan for all kinds of business content. That includes blogs, social media, podcasts, videos, and more.

In this article, we’ll help you understand why hiring a content manager is important and where you can find the best content manager for your brand.

Why You Should Hire a Content Manager

While most businesses know they need to hire content creators to make the content they need, not everyone knows why a content manager is important.

A content manager is a person who takes charge, not just of content creation, but your entire content process. That includes planning what content you make and ensuring it is distributed among the right channels.

A content manager also helps you execute your marketing plan for everything content related.

They are the manager for any writers, videographers, podcasters, or graphic designers on your team. When all these roles have a single person to report to, it helps create a cohesive and clear process for content.

What Makes a Good Content Manager?

Every role in your office needs specific skill sets. A content manager will have developed skills such as:

  • Experience in best practices for content and SEO
  • Understanding of digital platforms and systems for content management
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Management experience
  • Monetization techniques for distribution channels
  • Reporting and analytics skills

Where to Find a Content Manager

You can search for a content manager to bring into your business in a number of places. Here are a few of the top places to consider in your search.

1. WriterAccess

WriterAccess is a powerful platform that can help you find a freelance content manager for your business.

Rather than hiring a full-time, internal team member, you can outsource your content management to a vetted professional. With WriterAccess, you can connect to high-quality content managers who create strategies, edit content, and help you discover the best channels for distribution.

WriterAccess is also focused entirely on content, making it a great resource for content managers. Other job sites aren’t specialized, so finding people with the right background can be a huge hurdle. With the help of WriterAccess, you can find the best content manager for your business.

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place to start looking for a content manager.

LinkedIn has over 430 million professional users, so it’s a great place to begin any type of job search. You can use the job search feature and place a job ad, or you can browse through profiles to see if anyone is seeking work who has a background that matches your needs.

You should be cautious when using LinkedIn, however, when it comes to specific job titles.

There are many variations of “content manager” that some people will use in their job descriptions or that they will search for when on a job hunt. Play around with alternatives and try out multiple titles to expand your talent pool. Alternative job titles include:

  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Managing Editor
  • Web Content Manager
  • Social Media Content Manager
  • Content Strategist
  • Director of Content Marketing
  • Editorial Director

3. Indeed

Another place where you can begin your search for a content manager is on the job site Indeed.

Indeed is the most popular job site, so there will be plenty of people searching through postings to find a new position. This opens you up to a wider talent pool than LinkedIn. However, the quality of candidates might not be as polished as the profiles on LinkedIn.

One benefit of Indeed is that you can ask candidates to complete qualification tests before you schedule an interview. That allows you to vet out some of your candidates early on in the hiring process.

You can also use different keywords in your posting to include the other job titles that a content manager might identify within their search.

4. Careers Page

An alternative to a job board is to place an ad on your own company website on a Careers page.

While you might not get as many applications as you would from a job board, the people who apply are more likely to be investing in your brand and want to specifically work with your company.

A Careers page is a great place to place job ads for people who know about your company. It tends to work best as a hiring strategy for larger brands that have a high amount of website traffic. If you are a smaller company or a start-up, you’re less likely to get hits from this method.


A content manager is an important role that can take your content production to the next level.

They are able to take ownership of the entire content creation process, from planning a content strategy to monetizing your content distribution. And when you know where to go to find and hire the best content managers, you can help your business grow.

WriterAccess is a powerful platform that can help you scale your content production and find exceptional content managers to take your performance to the next level. To learn more, visit WriterAccess and get a free 14-day trial to see how well WriterAccess can work for you.

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