Meet Derrick Mercer Jr

Please introduce yourself to the Creating Change Magazine audience.

Meet Derrick Mercer Jr., is the founder of DM2 Ministries. The burden was placed in his heart to launch the Encounter experience for the millennial generation in 2015. The goal is to draw millennials into a deeper relationship with God through an encounter in His presence. This movement would include worship, word, leadership impartation, and practical instruction to empower a generation to tap into their divine nature. The foundation of worship, word, relationship, and fellowship is key to the encounter experience.

Derrick Mercer received the call of God upon his life at an early age and spoke his first sermon at the age of six. Since that time he matured in ministry and life experiences under the guidance of Apostle Daryl McCoy and the late Bishop Calvin Kinsey. Many influential leaders attributed to Derrick’s growth in ministry. Included in this number would be his parents Derrick Mercer Sr., Yolanda Russ, and his dearly beloved late grandmother Naomi Halford who imparted much Godly wisdom into young Derrick.

He is the father of twin boys, Ashton and Amar Mercer. As a 4th generation preacher, Derrick Mercer served in ministry as an elder and a pastor until evangelizing across the region for the past five years. Derrick Mercer Jr. is passionate about young people and pushing them into their destinies; especially millennials. He has a fervor for impacting young leaders.

Could you tell us what type of business you have and how long you’ve been operating your business?

Since about 2015, I help the emerging leaders get to their purpose and train them in areas to become effective! Now my life

What inspires you to pursue your dreams and goals?

My children is an inspiration, my burden for growth, and believe it’s my purpose of my life!

What are 3 valuable lessons you have learned as a creative and change maker?

Patience, Adaptability, and Integrity. These are a must!

Patience, adaptability, and integrity are three critical qualities that individuals need to succeed in both personal and professional settings. Patience is the ability to remain calm and composed while waiting for something to happen, dealing with setbacks or challenges, and persevering towards a goal. Adaptability is the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances and remain flexible in the face of unforeseen challenges or new opportunities. Integrity is the quality of being honest and consistent in one’s actions, beliefs, and values, even when it may be difficult or unpopular. Together, these qualities form the foundation of a strong character and are essential for success in life. People who possess these traits are more likely to overcome obstacles, build strong relationships, and achieve their goals.

Let’s talk about the services/products you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I offer classes, trainings, books, and manuals for the emerging leader and those who are interested in growing or discovering the techniques it takes to be effective.

What is your ultimate secret to your success?

My ultimate secret I believe is consistency and not being afraid to fail. Be FEARLESS!

What is coming up next for you?

Leadership/mentorship training in June. Please follow my website for more details!

How can we stay connected with you?

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