Case Study: How 6Connex Doubled Their Traffic And Increased Their CTR By 25% In Just One Year

Discover How the WriterAccess Partnership Contributed Significantly to 6connex Success in Content Creation

Virtual event platform 6Connex had a solid year of growth in 2023, experiencing dramatic changes in web traffic, click-through rates, engagement, and more. They credit much of their success to content creation on behalf of WriterAccess, Rock Content’s content marketplace, and its talented team of industry-educated writers.

As more and more virtual event platforms continue to scour for their place in the metaverse, online, and within the framework of corporations, it becomes vital to utilize content creation to boost page rankings and viewership.

Fortunately for 6Connex, their content strategy combined with the efforts of WriterAccess’ talent network has helped improve their place in the competition exponentially.

Challenges Before Rock Content

Rock Content’s WriterAccess has been an integral part of 6Connex’s continued growth and viewership.

Kortney Phillips, Marketing Coordinator of 6Connex, said in a recent interview with Rock Content’s team, “When I started [working at 6Connex] in June…the blog content was very high-level, top of the funnel, and short, roughly between 1,000 to 1,500 words. While the content was great, it was not aligning with our SEO strategy.

We wanted to gain more authority in the events industry by providing our readers with lots of in-depth information that they can use, this is where we needed a change. As we were assessing how our blogs were performing and adjusting our SEO strategy so they perform better, we decided to start incorporating long-form blogs.”

The lack of depth and length meant 6Connex might have fallen behind in their SEO efforts, would they not have been able to incorporate longer form and high-authority blogs.

Phillips and her team decided to outsource their once in-house blogs to creators on WriterAccess who were experts in the event-planning sphere. While these blogs were longer, it was a vital move 6Connex had to make to ensure their platform’s success and ranking.

Immediate Changes With Rock Content’s WriterAccess

As a marketing professional, making the leap toward outsourcing was natural for Phillips. She said, “It was really helpful to lean on WriterAccess for content when I was jumping into the events industry headfirst. When I first started at 6Connex, I had KPIs to hit by publishing so much content a month. This is where WritersAccess comes in.

“It was really useful for me to jumpstart by having that content creation outsourced through other people that have had the experience and the knowledge and that have done the research.”

Like many professionals new to content creation, Phillips saw just how daunting it was to create blogs in-house without the help of an outsourced professional team.

Integrating keywords, editing, ensuring accuracy, and ensuring high authority take quite a bit of time, especially for someone like Phillips, who needed to focus on 6Connex’s other projects and ventures.

Fortunately, to Phillips’ surprise and to the delight of the rest of her team and leadership, WriterAccess not only created high-quality long-form content but did so in the same amount of time it took to create shorter blogs.

Adding 1,000 words to blogs without compromising quality might have been impossible without the help of an outsourced team.

Did Long-Form Blogs Make a Difference?

Long-form blogs allow for more internal and external linking, keyword integration, and authoritative information. Phillips said incorporating long-form blogs into 6Connex’s content strategy yielded amazing results. Their analytics show the following improvements:

  • Double traffic to websites (February 2022: 7,352 sessions vs. February 2023: 14,030 sessions)
  • Ranking #1 for KWs related to the Metaverse space, something new even for 6Connex
  • CTR 20% to 25%
  • Quality over quantity for blog posts

In addition, Phillips shared an interesting content creation strategy that has proven to be successful in its own right. 

The company already has roughly 100 blog posts from 2022. Instead of repeating content, the 6Connex team, including Phillips, has come up with a way to use these prior blog posts to boost their rankings even more.

Phillips said, “Currently, we’re repurposing existing content and creating long-form blog posts that are both informative and optimized for SEO.” A recent blog post focusing on virtual vs. physical events caught the attention of Phillips. She repurposed this article by adding more keywords, internal linking, imagery, and useful information.

By making minor modifications to the existing high-quality blog post provided by WriterAccess, Phillips was able to transform it into an evolved version that climbed the ranks from page 65 to page one on Google’s SERP. This successful outcome is just one instance of the ongoing advantages that 6Connex is experiencing thanks to the skilled team of content creation specialists at WriterAccess.

What Does 6Connex Think So Far?

The company has continued to utilize Rock Content’s services for the past year and a half. According to Phillips, “WriterAccess was really easy to use from the start. The platform is user friendly, you can’t really go wrong.”.

They used casting calls when the topic was very specific and templates to keep content consistent. Casting calls are job boards where writers with experience in certain industries can pitch their talents and apply for blogging and other writing jobs.

“The order templates really helped us scale our content production with consistency, we didn’t have to re-write the same creative brief every time. We created a short form, a long form template, and a content refresher template, so it was really nice to have that option.”

As a newcomer, Phillips also appreciates Rock Content’s fast turn-around times, their continued support in creating love lists, exposing Philips to different writers, and their ease of use. From uploading templates to scaling production, Rock Content’s WriterAccess has been the best platform for 6Connex to create written materials.

Future Ventures

Phillips said, “If we need new content for other topics, we’ll reach out to WriterAccess. The same goes for our e-books, although we’ll be creating completely original content for those.

Writing new e-books is also something we plan to do in the future.” From e-books to blog posts, 6Connex continues to expect high-quality fast work from Rock Content’s content creation team.

Are you also looking to boost your company’s online presence and attract a wider audience? Follow in the footsteps of 6Connex and partner with Rock Content. Visit WriterAccess today and start a free trial to experience the benefits for yourself!

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