Meet Amanda Buswell

Please introduce yourself to all of us and the Creating Change Magazine.

Hello, my name is Amanda Buswell! I have been a practicing Marriage and Family Therapist since 2004 with a focus on healthy relationships. I am passionate about helping from a systems perspective. Even in individual therapy, my focus is on how relationships have helped form our life narrative and how we can change our lives by changing our thinking about them. These shifts in worldview help us stop participating in our own suffering in conditions we usually cannot change. I consider myself a Brief Narrative Therapist, but focus heavily on Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples as well as Logotherapy (Theory of Meaning) for individuals. I see clients in Houston, Texas, but also maintain an online coaching practice where I work with individuals around the world. I am a frequent presenter and speaker on a variety of topics around relationships and personal development, including on REAL retreats. I also teach at the University level and host the podcast Unfold REAL. I acknowledge that it can be really difficult to come into therapy or coaching initially and sessions can sometimes be emotionally draining. I make every effort to support clients while offering the professional expertise they need that will allow them to make positive changes in their lives. “My passion is meeting people where they are and helping them grow through self awareness to live happier more fulfilled lives.” I love food and traveling, and have been married to my husband, Ben since 2000. We have three teenagers who we are pretty excited to launch 😉

Could you tell us what is your business and how long you’ve been operating your business?

I have been a marriage and family therapist for 19 years. I have worked at inpatient facilities, taught at two different universities, and maintained a private practice in that time.

What inspires you to pursue your dreams and goals?

I am driven by the idea of personal progression. Trying to be the best me I can be as I learn more about who I am, how I work best, how I relate to others and understand myself. Making a difference in the small sphere of influence I have in the world, helping people change their lives one person at a time.

What are 3 valuable lessons you have learned as a creative and changemaker?

1. It’s okay to fail and it’s okay if your best at one moment in time isn’t the same as your best at others, it’s still your best. No one can be at 100% all the time.

2. Others are far less critical of me than I am of myself. Be kinder to yourself!

3. Being vulnerable is how we make genuine connections with others. Real connection is found in the places we struggle, not where we succeed.

Let’s talk about the services/products you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

It’s really important to me that I keep my services at a rate that people can afford. I have an Instagram account and podcast with free content for the public on topics ranging from friendship, to parenting, to self improvement. Instagram @Amanda.Buswell, Podcast @Unfold REAL I host an annual women’s retreat in January called REAL retreats. The theme for this year is Reset, Evolve, Advance, Limitless. It is for all ages and stages and takes place on a Virgin cruise ship. It’s an amazing experience and definitely the highlight of my year! Find out more here:

I offer private coaching to clients from around the world. If you’re feeling stuck, or in a big life transition, or struggling in a relationship coaching may be a good way to address the issue. Click here for a free 15 minute phone consultation

I have online courses on friendship and couples communication, with 2 more courses coming this year. You can find those here:

I’m a regular speaker and presenter live and on webinars on topics of mental health and wellness. This last month I spoke at a healthcare webinar for mental health awareness month. If you want me to speak to your group, you can reach out here:

What is your ultimate secret to your success?

Don’t give up. I don’t think there’s anything special about me. I’ve built my expertise and business slowly over the years. If I can do it, so can you!

What is coming up next for you?

I’m relaunching the podcast in a new format for this year incorporating live coaching sessions, and launching a few new online courses. Lot’s of work, but I’m excited!

How can we stay connected with you?

You can find me on my website at

Instagram @Amanda.Buswell

Spotify @Unfold REAL

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