Zoho Meeting: The Ultimate Guide

by Creating Change Mag
empower your business with zoho meeting

Businesses in today’s digital age need more than just a product to stand out. They need tools that streamline operations, foster collaboration, and empower them to scale seamlessly. 

Among these tools, Zoho Meeting stands out as a beacon for small businesses, providing features and functionalities that typically come with a hefty price tag.

If you’re curious about  the many facets of Zoho Meeting, we’ll show  you why it might just be the solution your business has been searching for.

What is Zoho Meeting?

At its core, Zoho Meeting is a powerful free online meeting software that extends its utility to businesses of all shapes and sizes. It’s not just about video calls. It’s about creating a collaborative environment that’s as effective as face-to-face interactions. 

As businesses evolve, Zoho Meeting ensures that communication and collaboration remain robust and effective. But before diving into its features, let’s take a moment to appreciate the milestones achieved by Zoho Meeting:

  • 26+ years in service: This longevity speaks volumes about Zoho’s commitment to excellence.
  • 55+ apps: Catering to diverse business needs under one umbrella.
  • 180+ countries: Making a mark on a global scale.
  • 90 million+ users: A testament to its reliability and user-friendly nature.
  • 12,000+ employees: The brains and brawn behind Zoho’s consistent success.

Major Challenges Faced by Small Businesses

Every small business, regardless of its domain, grapples with a set of challenges unique to its scale and scope. 

“Building a successful business with limited resources can be a challenge, says Anisha A., Zoho Meeting product expert. “Staying competitive in the territory, organizing and planning how to divide the time between different activities could be a challenge for small businesses, lack of cooperation, unsatisfied customers and loss of clients can also happen when the communication is not effective.”

Understanding these challenges is the first step in devising effective solutions. Some of the most common hurdles include:

Access to funding

Raising capital is the cornerstone of business growth, yet many small businesses find it difficult to secure the necessary funds.

Limited resources

Operating within constraints, small businesses often have to optimize their limited resources for maximum output.

Time management

Wearing multiple hats is a norm. Balancing roles effectively becomes crucial for productivity.


In a tight-knit team, clear communication can be the difference between success and missed opportunities.


With giants in almost every sector, finding a niche and maintaining a competitive edge is an ongoing battle.

Why Should Small Businesses Choose Zoho Meeting?

Navigating the sea of business tools can be overwhelming. Why should Zoho Meeting be the anchor for your business? Beyond its impressive features, Zoho Meeting offers tangible benefits that directly address the pain points of small businesses, such as:

  • Reduce costs: An economical solution without compromising on quality.
  • Collaborate on multiple projects: Foster a culture of teamwork across various endeavors.
  • Share files and documents: A seamless way to distribute resources and maintain transparency.
  • Stay organized by tracking tasks and goals: Visualize progress and ensure accountability.
  • Set followups and reminders: Prioritize tasks and never let anything slip through the cracks.

Zoho Meeting is a cost effective and easy-to-use video conference tool that small businesses can rely on,” says Anisha A. “It’s far more organized with a collection of communication channels including telephone, instant messaging, audio, video and web conferencing to simplify and also to improve the user experience under one roof.”

Streamlining Communication with Zoho Meeting

Clear, uninterrupted communication is the bedrock of any successful business. Zoho Meeting is not just a tool; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to make communication intuitive, reliable, and multifaceted.

How does Zoho Meeting streamline communications for small businesses?

  • Reliable and secure communication without disruptions: Build trust through consistent interactions.
  • Create agendas, take notes, assign tasks: Lay the groundwork for productive meetings.
  • Moderator controls: Lead discussions constructively and maintain focus.
  • Join a meeting from anywhere with a link: Flexibility that suits the modern workforce.
  • Engage with a/v conferencing, screen sharing, and more: Diverse tools for varied needs.
  • Customizable dashboard: Get insights at a glance and streamline decision-making.

Zoho Meeting Features

As we dive into Zoho Meeting’s arsenal of features, and you’ll find a meticulously curated suite designed to meet the multifaceted needs of businesses, including:

  • VoIP calling: Embrace the clarity of internet-based voice communication.
  • Audio message in chat: Blend the convenience of chat with the personal touch of voice.
  • PSTN dial-in: Traditional yet reliable phone connectivity.
  • Multiple departments setup: Organize teams effectively for streamlined operations.
  • Embeddable widgets: Enhance your digital presence with integrated tools.
  • Virtual File Sharing: Make information exchange hassle-free during discussions.
  • Extensive Email Customization: Personalize every email touchpoint.
Features Zoho Meeting Zoom MS Teams
VoIP Calling

Audio Message In-chat during Meeting

PSTN Dial-in

Multiple Departments Setup

Embeddable Widgets

Share Files Virtually

Extensive Email Customization

Online Meeting Solution

Harnessing the full potential of the digital realm means making the most of online meetings. Zoho Meeting offers an array of features that make online interactions not just a substitute for face-to-face meetings, but often a superior alternative.

Multiple Video Feeds

Encourage holistic interaction by viewing multiple participants simultaneously, ensuring that every reaction and input is captured in real-time.

60+ Dial-in Numbers

Accessibility becomes the key. With over 60 dial-in numbers, participants from various regions can join without the barrier of international calling fees.

Record Meetings

Never miss out on critical details. Record sessions for future references, training, or compliance purposes.

External Co-Hosts

Bring in experts from outside your organization to co-host sessions, enhancing the depth and diversity of your discussions.

Flexible Live Sharing Options

Choose what to share, when to share, ensuring that your meetings remain on point and your content is well-protected.

Collaborative Whiteboard

Brainstorming goes digital. Sketch ideas, draw diagrams, or write points in a collaborative space.

AI Enhanced Meeting

Benefit from intelligent features, such as automated transcriptions and meeting summaries, thanks to the power of artificial intelligence.

Calls and SMS

In the fast-paced world of business, real-time communication is invaluable. With Zoho Meeting, this instantaneous connection extends beyond just online meetings.

Make and Receive Calls

Stay connected with your team, clients, or stakeholders with clear voice calls.

Send SMS

When quick updates or reminders are the need of the hour, shoot a direct SMS.

Customer Contacts at One Place

Organize and manage your contacts efficiently, ensuring that every conversation has context.

2 Credits for Trial

Experience the calling features firsthand with initial credits, ensuring you can test the waters before diving in.

Webinars to Reach a Wider Audience

Webinars are a fantastic medium for businesses to establish authority, educate audiences, and even generate leads.

With Zoho Meeting, crafting and conducting webinars becomes a walk in the park.

The platform equips you with tools to create compelling webinars, manage attendees, and even analyze post-webinar metrics for continuous improvement.

Robust Video Conferencing Solution

In an era where remote work and global collaboration have become norms, having a dependable video conferencing solution is non-negotiable:

Screen Share

A visual guide to your thoughts and explanations, enhancing clarity.

Audio/Video Conferencing

Clear, lag-free, and high-quality audio and video ensure your meetings are as effective as they would be in person.

Virtual Background

Maintain a professional backdrop irrespective of where you are.


Share material, write notes, or explain concepts with this interactive feature.

Share Material

Make resources accessible to all participants in real-time.


Post-meeting analytics to understand participation, engagement, and areas of improvement.

Choose What You Share

With Zoho Meeting, you get granular control over your screen-sharing preferences. Whether it’s showcasing a new software feature or running through a presentation, these tools ensure that your audience sees exactly what you intend.

Browser-Based Screen Sharing

No downloads or installations. Share directly from your browser.

Share Entire Screen

For a comprehensive view or a detailed walkthrough.

Mobile Screen Sharing

For demos or explanations on mobile platforms.

Application Sharing

Share specific apps while keeping the rest of your screen private.

Share Browser Tab

Focus on a specific browser tab, ensuring zero distractions.

Upload and Share Files Virtually

Provide resources and files during your meeting without relying on third-party tools.

Collaboration with Zoho Meeting

Zoho Meeting isn’t just about meetings; it’s about building lasting collaborations. Taking your conversations beyond just meetings, you can transform discussions into actions, ideas into projects, and feedback into improvements:

Internal Collaboration with Zoho Meeting

Ensure your teams are aligned, informed, and equipped to collaborate seamlessly.

Collaborative Whiteboard

A virtual space to brainstorm. Whether you’re sketching out a new product design, laying out a project roadmap, or making quick notes during a meeting, the collaborative whiteboard becomes an indispensable tool. Features include:

  • Multi Participants: Everyone gets a voice, or in this case, a color.
  • AI-Driven Shape Recognition: Draw rough shapes, and AI enhances them.
  • Insert Images and Flowcharts: Visual aids to support your points.
  • Download for Later Reference: Don’t lose those valuable insights.

Virtual File Sharing

Share resources, provide context, or simply distribute reading materials with ease. Key features encompass:

  • Attach PDF, PPT, and Video Files: Catering to diverse content types.
  • Flexible File Upload to the Cloud: Hassle-free uploads, secure storage.
  • Share Files Virtually During Meeting: Seamless access for all participants.
  • Minimal Bandwidth Usage for End Users: Ensuring everyone has a smooth experience.

Enhanced Participant Interactions

Engaging meetings are productive meetings. Zoho Meeting provides tools that make interactions lively and meaningful:

  • Live Polls: Gauge opinions or make decisions on the fly.
  • Emoji Reactions: A quick, non-disruptive way to express feelings or agreement.
  • Nonverbal Feedback: Like raising a hand or setting a status.
  • Group Chats and Direct Messaging: Facilitate side discussions or address participants privately.

Privacy and Compliance

In today’s age, data privacy and regulatory compliance are paramount. Zoho Meeting is built with these principles at its core, offering peace of mind to businesses and end-users alike,

End-to-End Encryption

Your conversations remain private, protected from prying eyes.

GDPR Compliance

Ensure you meet the stringent requirements of European data protection laws.

HIPAA Compliance

For healthcare businesses, meet the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s standards.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Add an additional layer of security, ensuring only authorized access.

Data Residency Choices

Choose where your data resides based on your business’s requirements or regulations of your industry.

Role-Based Access Control

Define who can access what, ensuring data integrity and protection.

Zoho Meeting Integrations

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, integration capabilities determine the versatility and robustness of a software platform. Zoho Meeting acknowledges this need and offers a suite of integration options that bridge the gap between various applications. 

These integrations ensure streamlined workflows and a unified ecosystem, enabling users to make the most of their software stack. 

In-house Integrations

Zoho Meeting seamlessly integrates with various Zoho applications, ensuring that users can fluidly transition between different tools without the need to manually transfer data or juggle multiple platforms. Such integrations make communication, collaboration, and task management an integrated experience.

Popular in-house integrations include:

  • Zoho Begin: Elevate early-stage business interactions and follow-ups.
  • Zoho CRM: Transform your meetings and calls into actionable CRM entries.
  • Zoho Campaigns: Integrate webinar leads and participants for targeted email campaigns.
  • Zoho Projects: Convert meeting outcomes into actionable tasks and project milestones.
  • Zoho Mail: Schedule and manage meetings directly from your inbox, ensuring timely reminders and follow-ups.
  • Zoho Connect: Enhance team collaboration by integrating community discussions with real-time meetings.

Third-party Apps Integrations

To ensure maximum flexibility and adaptability, Zoho Meeting also offers integration options with prominent third-party applications. These integrations cater to users who employ a diverse software ecosystem and are looking to maintain a cohesive workflow. 

The following are some of the popular third-party app integrations:

  • Mailchimp: Sync webinar registrants and participants for targeted email marketing.
  • Microsoft Teams: Schedule and join Zoho Meetings directly from your Teams interface.
  • Slack: Get meeting notifications and summaries directly in your preferred Slack channels.
  • Gmail: Schedule Zoho Meetings right from your Google Mail interface.
  • Microsoft Outlook: Integrate your calendar and schedule or join Zoho Meetings without leaving the Outlook environment.

APIs and Developer Guide

For businesses with unique needs or those looking to develop custom integrations, Zoho Meeting provides a comprehensive set of APIs. This allows developers to weave Zoho Meeting capabilities into their applications, ensuring a tailored user experience. 

The Developer Guide aids in this process, offering detailed documentation, best practices, and examples to make the integration process as smooth as possible. This empowers businesses to:

  • Create custom integrations tailored to specific business processes.
  • Integrate Zoho Meeting functionalities into existing platforms or applications.
  • Enhance application capabilities by leveraging Zoho Meeting’s features.

Zoho Meeting Pricing

In a business environment where value and affordability intersect, finding a software solution that balances both can be a challenge. 

Zoho Meeting emerges as an attractive solution by offering a spectrum of pricing plans that cater to varied business needs, from startups to large enterprises. 

100% Free Version

Yes, you read that right! Zoho Meeting offers a version that is completely free of charge.

This plan is designed for businesses and individuals just starting out or those who need basic video conferencing features without the associated costs. It provides an introduction to the capabilities of Zoho Meeting without any financial commitment.

Meeting – $1 per month

A notch above the free version, this plan is priced at just $1 per month. It’s tailor-made for businesses that require a little extra from their meeting software. Features include:

  • Multiple co-hosts: Engage and manage larger meetings seamlessly.
  • International dial-in: Cater to a global audience without geographical constraints.
  • Recording and storage: Save your meetings for future reference or to share with those who couldn’t attend.

Webinar – $8 per month

For businesses that want to broadcast to a wider audience, the Webinar plan, priced at $8 per month, is a perfect fit. It offers:

  • Multiple organizers: Manage and control large webinars efficiently.
  • YouTube live streaming: Extend your reach by broadcasting your webinars live on YouTube.
  • Custom branding solutions: Make the platform truly yours by incorporating your brand elements.


To further customize the Zoho Meeting experience, several add-ons are available:

  • 200 sessions of storage for $20 per month: Expand your meeting storage capacity, ensuring no critical session is lost.
  • Toll-free numbers for $20 a month: Offer a cost-free dial-in option to your participants, elevating their experience.
  • Business phone ranging from $10-34 a month: Enhance communication by incorporating a dedicated business phone line.

By offering a diversified pricing structure, Zoho Meeting ensures that businesses of all sizes and requirements can find a plan that aligns with their needs and budget. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or a multinational corporation, there’s a Zoho Meeting plan for you.

Try Zoho Meeting Free

As businesses strive to find the best fit for their needs, Zoho Meeting has extended an offer that’s hard to resist. The company understands that before making a commitment, users might want a hands-on experience to truly gauge the platform’s capabilities. 

This commitment is why Zoho is offering the standard edition of Zoho Meeting absolutely free for a period of six months. This extended trial ensures that businesses get ample time to explore, utilize, and even integrate the software into their daily operations. 

The free standard edition isn’t just a stripped-down version; it comes packed with an array of robust features.

Here’s what you can expect with the Zoho Meeting free standard edition:

  • Cloud recording storage for 10 meetings/host: Save critical meetings directly on the cloud and retrieve them whenever required.
  • Allow up to 2 co-hosts: Make meetings more interactive and structured by bringing in two co-hosts to manage and lead.
  • Meetings for up to 24 hours: Whether it’s a quick catch-up or an all-day workshop, the platform supports meetings lasting up to an entire day.
  • VoIP: High-quality voice over IP ensures clear communication during every interaction.
  • Phone and toll-free add-ons: Extend the reach of your meetings by offering phone and toll-free dial-ins.
  • Custom virtual backgrounds: Elevate the visual aspect of your meetings by setting up branded or theme-based backgrounds.
  • Meeting Polls: Engage participants and gather instant feedback during meetings.
  • Lock meeting: Enhance security by preventing unauthorized access during ongoing meetings.
  • Remote control: Offer or gain control of a participant’s screen for collaborative tasks.
  • Meeting recording: Document your sessions for playback, sharing, or archival purposes.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly integrate Zoho Meeting with other business tools to enhance productivity.
  • User management: Have complete control over user permissions, ensuring everyone has the right access level.
  • Co-branding: Reflect your brand’s identity by incorporating logos and themes into the platform.

This comprehensive trial ensures that businesses can thoroughly evaluate the potential of Zoho Meeting before deciding on a longer-term commitment. It’s a testament to Zoho’s confidence in their platform and their commitment to user satisfaction.

Image: Zoho

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