Shiny Object Syndrome: How It Affects Your Business and How to Overcome It with F.O.C.U.S (Part 1 of 3)

Shiny Object Syndrome: How It Affects Your Business and How to Overcome It with F.O.C.U.S

Do you often find yourself captivated by the newest trend, the latest coaching technique, or an intriguing business proposition? And soon enough, you’ve left your existing project halfway to pursue this new, shiny object? If so, welcome to the club of Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS). Many solo female entrepreneurs, creatives, and high-achieving professionals find themselves in this predicament.

SOS, often tied to procrastination, is a state of continuous distraction. It’s like being a crow drawn to anything that sparkles, without realizing that these bright distractions might be steering you off your path. However, if acknowledged and managed, this tendency can be converted into an asset, fueling creativity and innovation. Let’s delve into SOS, its effect on your business, and our initial actionable steps for overcoming it – introducing my strategy acronym, F.O.C.U.S.

Understanding Shiny Object Syndrome

SOS arises from our innate curiosity and hunger for novelty. While these traits can drive creativity and motivation, they backfire when they create a pattern of starting and abandoning projects for the next exciting prospect. This pattern isn’t about a lack of commitment, but rather an overwhelming enthusiasm for the newest trend that promises faster success or easier solutions, be it the latest “make money fast” course, AI technology, or social media platform.

Story Time: How Does SOS Show up in Real Life

Meet Maria, a solo female entrepreneur who is a career coach dedicated to helping other women advance in their careers. Maria was excited when she launched her online course, and it was off to a great start. However, just as she was gaining momentum, she attended a seminar on the effectiveness of one-on-one coaching. This shiny new idea captivated Maria, and she decided to pivot her entire business model.

Maria started working tirelessly on her one-on-one coaching model, leaving her online course behind. A few weeks into it, she stumbled upon an article about the success of subscription-based model. Yet again, Maria found herself drawn to this new, shiny object and began devising plans for a subscription service.

In her pursuit of the new and shiny, Maria lost sight of her initial project, the online course. Not only did she invest her valuable time and energy into constant pivoting, but she also ended up confusing her audience with her ever-changing business model. This cycle of being lured by shiny new ideas became a roadblock in Maria’s path to success, affecting her business’s growth and credibility.

On the other hand, take Emma, a graphic designer with a thriving freelance business. Emma prides herself on her ability to stay ahead of the curve in design trends. However, her drive to be on top of every new trend turned into a case of SOS. With each shiny new design trend, she felt compelled to alter her unique style to mimic these trends, leading her portfolio to become a hodgepodge of designs lacking a consistent voice. Her clients began to notice this inconsistency, leading to a decline in her business.

In both these scenarios, Maria and Emma fell prey to Shiny Object Syndrome. Their natural curiosity and desire to innovate, while usually an asset, started hindering their success when they let new trends and ideas divert their attention from their original goals. This constant shifting of focus caused confusion for their clients and stunted the growth of their businesses.

Therefore, while it’s essential to stay open to new ideas and innovation, it’s equally critical to maintain focus and not lose sight of your core business goals. A little later on, we will delve deeper into practical strategies for overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome. Using my F.O.C.U.S strategy, you’ll learn how to manage your impulses, prioritize effectively, and channel your curiosity in a productive way.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Many successful entrepreneurs have navigated through SOS, and so can you. Stay tuned for more insights and solutions. Keep shining, just a little more focused!

The Impact on Your Business

SOS can be devastating for businesses. Firstly, it obstructs long-term, consistent progress. Constantly shifting focus can lead to a confusing brand image, as well as disjointed messaging, making it harder for clients to understand what you offer.

Secondly, it can result in financial strain. Each new venture often requires investments of time, money, or energy. Jumping from one shiny object to another can quickly exhaust resources, leaving both you and your business depleted.

Finally, SOS can hit your confidence. Not finishing projects can cause feelings of failure or self-doubt, making you more vulnerable to the allure of the next shiny object promising a fast-track to success.

Overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome: Introducing F.O.C.U.S

Now, let’s introduce my strategy to help combat SOS: F.O.C.U.S – Find Observe Commit Understand Succeed. 

In this first part, we’ll discuss ‘Find’ and ‘Observe.’

1. Find (Awareness and Acknowledgement)

Identifying and acknowledging SOS is your first step. Examine your past projects. Do you see a pattern of starting and not finishing? Are you always on the lookout for the next big thing? Do you enjoy the thrill of starting but struggle with following through? If you’re nodding YES, SOS might be at play.

2. Observe (Mindful Decision Making)

Before investing in a new venture, pause and observe. Why does this new opportunity appeal to you? Is it in line with your broader business goals, or is it just a shiny distraction promising an easy victory? This mindful observation can provide a critical pause, giving you a chance to assess before diving in.

In Part 2 of this series, we’ll explore the ‘Commit’, ‘Understand’, and ‘Succeed’ aspects of the F.O.C.U.S strategy to give you practical tips for managing SOS. We’ll examine techniques like goal setting, prioritization, and accountability to help you harness your impulses and channel your curiosity effectively.

For now, begin by identifying your patterns and decision-making habits. Remember, you’re not alone in this challenge. Be patient with yourself. Overcoming SOS is part of the journey towards becoming a successful entrepreneur. It’s not about how quickly you can start, but how effectively you can finish.

About the author 

Shirley L.A. Brooks is a sought-after life and business strategist who blends her expertise in entrepreneurship, strategic consulting, and personal growth coaching to holistically empower individuals and their businesses. Known for her dynamic and insightful approach, Shirley goes beyond traditional business strategies, focusing on the interconnected growth of personal ambitions and business success. Her commitment to fostering transformational journeys resonates in every interaction, making her a treasured ally for those aspiring to reach their full potential. Learn more about her at

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