Meet Shabrina Smith

We welcome our next creative and changemaker!!

Please introduce yourself to the Creating Change Magazine.

Hey loves! My name is Shabrina Smith! I am a natural born change maker! I specialize in creating change using the power of love. I believe that love can heal anything! The connection of the mind, body, and spirit is so important. I’m a mom, entrepreneur and soul star creating change one step at a time.

Could you tell us what type of business you have and how long you’ve been operating your business?

Natural Love is my oldest project. I started it in October of 2020. This is my natural hair and overall wellness business. Next is Galaxy Vibes. This is my life coaching business. I also operate my podcast and social media platform under this name. I started this business in 2020.

What inspires you to pursue your dreams and goals?

My greatest inspiration is my desire to be free! I have always wanted to be free to do what makes me happy while also living comfortably. I was never happy working for someone else. There was always some type of box that they tried to put me in. I was created to fly free and explore and create! I was created to speak my truth. I was created to spread love with my big heart! The gifts given to me inspired me to step outside of the box and just do what I love. I will do it until I take my last breath.

What are 3 valuable lessons you have learned as a creative and changemaker?

Oh my, have I learned so many lessons on this journey! The first lesson is to honor myself by being myself always. Second lesson is to always be willing to accept change! It’s inevitable lol. The third lesson is to take my time while I’m creating anything in my life. It’s all about the journey.

Let’s talk about the services/products you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I have my hands in a few things. I have my first baby Natural Love. Natural Love is my hair and skin care brand. I create all natural oils, creams, scrubs and teas. My products are for all skin types and ethnicity. I am also a life coach. I like to call myself a soul coach. My mission is to help people heal their soul and discover new ways to thrive. My job is to help us see that spark we all have in us. To have the courage to blaze a trail that nobody can extinguish. Everyone is welcome to work with me. I would love to be of service.

What is your ultimate secret to your success?

To be honest….My success comes from me just being myself. Staying consistent with my vision helps tremendously. Last secret is to always believe in your vision even if nobody else does.

What is coming up next for you?

Next, I’m working on taking my podcast to the next level. I am also working on creating a larger platform for up in coming creators. I believe we all have a voice that needs to be heard.

Tell us how can we stay connected with you?

Tiktok: Galaxyvibes0088

Instagram: Queenbrinaceo, Galaxyvibes0088

Facebook: Shabrina Smith, Natural Love


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