Find a Writing Buddy! (New Edition)

Need a writing buddy? A critique partner? A beta reader? Here’s your stop!

Earlier this year, I posted a “writing buddy linkup,” which opened the comments to anyone looking for a critique partner or accountability partner for their writing. The post was wildly popular and continued to receive entries throughout the year. At last count, it had over 500 submissions.

That many comments can be difficult to wade through, and I’m sure quite a few submissions got lost in the process. So I’m opening it up again! Feel free to post again if you weren’t able to find the right connection last time.

Need a Writing Buddy? Here’s How

Just leave a comment! Tell us:

  • Your genre
  • A short summary of your current story
  • Your level of experience (i.e., how many years you have been writing)
  • What you’re looking for in a writing buddy
  • Your email address (I recommend formatting it as follows to avoid risk of spam: kmweiland [at] kmweiland [dot] com)

You can subscribe to the comments so you can read additional entries as they come in (however, be aware there could be a lot of comments!). If you see someone you think would be a great match for you, drop them a line!

The writing life works best when we’re able to reach out and offer a helping hand to one another. Jump in, meet someone new, and start taking your writing to the next level!

Wordplayers, tell me your opinion! What are you looking for in a writing buddy? Tell us in the comments!

The post originally appeared on following source : Source link

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