Learn How to Improve Your Online Presence from Top Business Experts

Your business’s online presence can impact your first impression on customers and their overall experience with your brand. It starts with your website and can extend to your blog, social media, and more. Get tips from members of the online small business community for building and improving your online presence below.

Follow This Web Design Checklist

What do you need to create a quality business website? Each company will have slightly different elements and features. However, there are some standard points that should be considered by all. Check out this Ignite post by Poulomi Basu for a checklist.

Use These Tools to Analyze Website Traffic

Once your website is up and running, you need to constantly analyze traffic to find what’s working and where you can improve. There are several tools that can help with this. Sandeep Mallya of 99signals lists the top options in this post.

Compare the Different Types of Blog Posts

If you include a blog in your website, it’s up to you to constantly create new and interesting content. There are several different types of posts that may enter the mix. Dan Swords goes over them in this post.

Consider Hiring a Social Media Manager

Social media is another area that can vastly improve your online presence. If you don’t have the time or desire to run a social media presence yourself, you can outsource it. In this Strella Social Media post, Rachel Strella details what to expect when hiring a social media manager. And BizSugar members weighed in on the post here.

Know the Difference Between In-House Development and Outsourcing

When developing various elements for your online presence, you need to determine whether to develop them in-house or outsource them to others. This Decipher Zone post by Mahipal Nehra compares these options.

Make an Animated Video from a Blog Post

Content marketing can come in many forms, from standard blog posts to animated videos. In fact, you can even repurpose certain content into multiple forms. In this New Horizons 123 post, Julie Weishaar details how to turn a blog post into an animated video. And BizSugar members shared comments on the post here.

Find Twitter Influencers for Your Business

When you think about influencer marketing for a business, you likely think about platforms like Instagram and YouTube. But X, formerly known as Twitter, is another powerful platform. Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive offers tips for finding Twitter influencers in this post.

Navigate These Scaling Challenges in the Digital Age

The digital age brings many advantages for businesses – but also many challenges. If you’re looking to scale your business using digital tools, it’s important to understand the potential challenges you may face. Read this SMB CEO post by Rob Smither for insights.

Make Your Business Stand Out by Focusing on Brand Experience

Your business’s online presence is a huge part of the overall brand experience for many customers. But there are other elements to consider as well. In this Crowdspring post, Ross Kimbarovsky discusses the importance of brand experience and how to improve yours.

Learn These Dropshipping Statistics and Trends

Dropshipping can be a powerful way to form a business online. But before you get started, it can help to learn about the landscape of the industry. Lyn Wildwood lists several statistics and trends to know in this Blogging Wizard post.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.

Image: Envato Elements

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