Cordon Bleu | LG2

Since 1933, Cordon Bleu has been more than a source of delicious dishes ? it’s become a culinary icon in Quebec households. Unfortunately, over 90 years later, the brand felt dated and was blending into the crowd in grocery stores. It needed to reclaim its signature blue colour to refresh its image and stand out on shelves.

Each visual element was modernized to reflect the essence of the brand. We streamlined and refined the existing signature. Muted, grainy photos add a contemporary touch while respecting a rich history. Featuring gouache illustrations by a local artist, the updated packaging evokes recipe books from the ’60s and ’70s.

This rebranding project boldly reappropriates Cordon Bleu’s visual identity, blending timeless elegance with innovation. It cements the brand as a loyal partner to Quebec families.

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