Dramatis personae VIII

by Creating Change Mag
Dramatis personae VIII

“Dramatis personae VIII” as the next part of the ongoing architecture series contains buildings from Germany, France, Finland, Luxembourg, Spain, China and Denmark. 

“Dramatis personae” represents public faces that deliberately restrains the identity of the object in order to concentrate on its public performance. With this title I intend to emphasize the unique and individual appearance of buildings, which act like strong personalities in public places.

The eighth part contains buildings of Ricardo Bofill, Calatrava, ppp Architekten, Danish CEBRA and JDS Architects, French Louis Paillard, Dutch SeARCH,  Tadao Ando and more. All images © Sebastian Weiss ? le-blanc.com ? instagram.com/le_blanc – hello@le-blanc.com

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