8 things successful people do in the first hour of their work day

We all have the same 24 hours in a day but it’s how we use those hours that determines our success.

The first hour of the workday, often referred to as the ‘Golden Hour’, is incredibly important and can set the tone for the rest of the day.

Successful people understand this and use this time wisely to ensure they make the most out of their day.

What do these high-achievers do differently during this crucial time?

Let’s dive into 8 things successful people do in the first hour of their work day to stay ahead of the game.

1. Set Clear Goals for the Day

Successful people start their day with a clear direction. They don’t simply dive into the day and start working on whatever comes their way.

Instead, they take out time during the first hour of their work to set clear, achievable goals for the day.

This helps them focus their energy on tasks that matter the most, and allows them to easily track their progress throughout the day.

They understand that having a clear roadmap is crucial for productivity and it aids in eliminating unnecessary tasks.

Before you check your emails or start your routine tasks, spend some time creating a list of your goals for the day. It will keep you organized and focused, ensuring you make the most of your valuable time.

2. Stay Hydrated and Healthy

I can’t emphasize this enough – hydration is key! And successful people know this. They often start their day with a glass of water, even before they reach for that first cup of coffee.

Our bodies spend all night dehydrating, so it’s important to replenish the fluids first thing in the morning. It not only kickstarts our metabolism but also aids in maintaining focus and energy throughout the day.

But it’s not just about hydration. Many successful people also prioritize a healthy breakfast within their first work hour. They understand that the body needs fuel to function optimally. And no, a donut doesn’t count as a healthy breakfast!

Think more along the lines of fruits, whole grains, protein – food that keeps you satisfied and energized without causing a mid-morning crash.

I’ve personally noticed a huge difference in my productivity and energy levels since I swapped my sugary breakfast for a more balanced meal.

3. They Embrace the Tough Stuff

Let’s be honest, we all have tasks that we dread doing. The ones that sit at the bottom of our to-do list, constantly being moved to “tomorrow.” Successful people, however, have a different approach – they tackle these tasks head-on in the first hour of their workday.

They follow a principle called “eating the frog,” a term coined by Mark Twain which essentially means doing your most difficult task first.

When you start your day by accomplishing something challenging, it gives you a sense of achievement and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

I know it’s tempting to put off difficult tasks, but from my own experience, avoiding them only adds to the stress.

It hangs over your head all day long and often causes unnecessary anxiety. By embracing the tough stuff first thing in the morning, you free up your day for more creative and engaging tasks.

When you start your work, try ‘eating that frog’. It might not be pleasant, but the sense of accomplishment is well worth it.

4. They Don’t Check Their Emails

Yes, you read that right. Contrary to what you might expect, many successful people don’t rush to check their emails as soon as they start their workday. Why? Because it can derail their entire morning schedule.

Emails often come with their own set of demands, which might not align with your planned goals for the day.

Emails can wait. Your most productive time of the day should not be consumed by responding to other people’s agendas.

Successful people often designate specific times during their day for email checking and responding.

It might seem a bit unconventional, and I certainly raised my eyebrows when I first heard about it.

But once I tried it, I realized how much more I could get done in the first hour without the constant distraction of incoming emails. It’s definitely a game-changer, give it a shot!

5. Practice Mindfulness

In the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of tasks and deadlines.

Successful people, however, understand the importance of starting their day with a calm and focused mind. That’s why many of them incorporate mindfulness practices into the first hour of their workday.

Whether it’s meditating, journaling, or simply sitting quietly with a cup of coffee, taking time to clear your mind can greatly improve your productivity and creativity. It helps you remain centered throughout the day and reduces stress.

I was initially skeptical about this one – how could sitting quietly possibly make me more productive?

But once I started practicing mindfulness, I was amazed at the difference it made. It gave me a sense of peace and clarity that carried into the rest of my day. It might feel strange at first, but give it a try. You might be surprised at how much more focused and productive you become.

6. They Say “No”

One of the most important things that successful people do in the first hour of their workday is to say “no.” No to distractions, no to unimportant tasks, and sometimes, even no to people.

Saying yes to everything is a surefire way to overwhelm yourself and dilute your productivity. Successful people know their priorities and they’re not afraid to protect their time. They understand that every time they say yes to something insignificant, they’re saying no to something important.

This can be a tough pill to swallow because we’re often conditioned to be agreeable and accommodating.

But remember, your time is your most valuable asset and you have every right to guard it. It might be uncomfortable at first, but learning to say no can be one of the most empowering things you do for your productivity.

7. Continuous Learning

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” said Benjamin Franklin. Successful people not only understand this, but they live by it. They value personal growth and lifelong learning, often dedicating a portion of the first hour of their workday to expanding their knowledge.

This could take many forms – reading industry news, listening to a podcast, or even taking a quick online course. The goal is to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in their field and to continually improve and expand their skill set.

In today’s competitive world, standing still is the fastest way to move backwards. Continuous learning allows you to stay ahead of the curve and brings fresh ideas and perspectives to your work.

Why not take a page from the book of successful people and dedicate a portion of your morning to learning something new? It’s an investment that’s guaranteed to pay dividends in your professional life.

8. Exercise and Movement

Finally, one of the most common habits of successful people is incorporating some form of physical activity into their morning routine.

Whether it’s a quick workout, a yoga session or simply a brisk walk around the block, getting your body moving in the first hour of your workday can work wonders for your productivity and mood.

Exercise enhances your energy levels, sharpens your focus, and stimulates creative thinking. It also releases endorphins – chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood lifters.

Now, I’m not saying you need to run a marathon each morning. Even a few minutes of stretching or a quick walk can make a big difference. I personally love starting my day with a short yoga session. It helps me clear my mind and prepares me for the day ahead.

So give it a go – find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your morning routine. Your body and your brain will thank you!


By adopting these habits of successful people – setting clear goals, staying hydrated, tackling difficult tasks first, avoiding emails, practicing mindfulness, saying no, continuously learning, and exercising – you can significantly boost your productivity and overall job satisfaction.

However, remember that everyone’s optimal routine may look a little different. It’s about finding what works best for you. Try experimenting with these habits and see which ones resonate with you the most. And remember, consistency is key.

Success isn’t achieved in a day but through daily practices that align with your goals and values. So make the most of that first work hour because as Richard Whately once said, “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.”

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