If you’ve experienced these 9 things in life, you’re emotionally tougher than the average person

by Creating Change Mag
If you’ve experienced these 9 things in life, you’re emotionally tougher than the average person

Life can be a roller coaster of highs and lows. It knocks us down, tests us, and pushes us to our limits. Some of these experiences have the potential to make us emotionally stronger than most people.

Emotional toughness isn’t about hiding your feelings or brushing off life’s hardships. It’s about resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity and keep moving forward.

So, if you’ve been through certain experiences in life, chances are, you’ve grown tougher than the average person.

In this article, we’ll explore the 9 things that signify you’re emotionally tougher than most. The experiences that have shaped you, challenged you and ultimately, made you stronger.

Let’s dive in.

1) You’ve faced significant loss

Life can sometimes take a sharp turn into the realm of loss. It might be losing a loved one, a job, a relationship, or even a cherished belief.

It’s a tough experience that can either break us or make us stronger. But if you’re reading this, chances are it didn’t break you.

The pain of loss is universal and unavoidable. Yet, how we respond to that loss is what truly counts.

If you’ve experienced significant loss and have managed to come out the other side, it’s a testament to your emotional toughness. The ability to navigate through the pain, to grieve, and eventually rebuild your life is not something everyone can do.

It’s not about forgetting the loss or pretending it didn’t hurt. It’s about acknowledging the pain and finding a way to move forward regardless. That’s what makes you emotionally tougher than the average person.

2) You’ve faced failure and bounced back

We’ve all faced failures in our lives. But it’s how we respond to these failures that truly defines our emotional toughness.

Let me share my own experience. I remember when I first started my own business. I was full of optimism, believing that success was just around the corner. But, reality had other plans.

My business failed within the first year. I was devastated and felt like a complete failure myself. But then, I realized something important: failure wasn’t the end of the world.

I picked myself up, dusted off the disappointment, and started over. I learned from my mistakes and used them as stepping stones for my next venture.

And guess what? The next business was a success!

If you’ve faced similar failures and have managed to bounce back, you are emotionally tougher than you think. It’s not about never failing; it’s about not letting failure stop you from trying again.

3) You’ve been through a traumatic event

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us when we least expect it. These could be accidents, natural disasters, or other traumatic events that leave a lasting impact on our lives.

Trauma can shake us to our core and change our perspective on life. It forces us to confront our fears, vulnerabilities, and the unpredictability of life.

But here’s something you might not know: According to research, more than half of all people will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. And while it’s a tough ordeal to go through, those who come out stronger on the other side are often emotionally tougher than most.

If you’ve survived a traumatic event and have found the strength to keep moving forward, you’ve got resilience in spades. And that’s a sure sign of emotional toughness.

4) You’ve overcome personal insecurities

We all have insecurities. Whether it’s about our looks, abilities, or worthiness, these self-doubts can sometimes hold us back and influence our decisions.

However, if you’ve faced these insecurities head-on and worked to overcome them, that’s a sign of emotional toughness. It takes a great deal of courage to acknowledge your flaws and insecurities, let alone work on them.

Overcoming personal insecurities isn’t about achieving perfection. It’s about embracing who you are, flaws and all, and refusing to let your insecurities dictate your life. If you’re able to do this, you’re emotionally tougher than the average person.

5) You’ve grown from criticism

Let’s be honest, no one likes being criticized. It can sting, make us defensive, and even shatter our confidence. But if you’ve managed to turn criticism into a tool for self-improvement, you’re exhibiting a level of emotional toughness that is admirable.

Taking criticism constructively, rather than personally, is a skill that isn’t very common. It requires self-awareness, humility, and the courage to accept that you might be wrong.

If you’ve experienced criticism and used it as a stepping stone to better yourself, rather than letting it pull you down, then you’ve proven your emotional toughness. It’s not about never making mistakes but about learning and growing from them.

6) You’ve shown empathy in the face of adversity

Life has a way of testing us, and sometimes those tests can harden our hearts. But if you’ve managed to maintain your empathy and kindness in the face of adversity, you’re displaying an emotional toughness that is both rare and precious.

It’s easy to become cynical and guarded when life gets tough. But to continue to understand, empathize, and show compassion towards others, even when you’re going through your own struggles, requires an enormous amount of emotional strength.

There’s a certain toughness in being soft when the world expects you to be hard. If you’ve been able to do this, then you’re certainly emotionally tougher than most. Your ability to empathize in the face of adversity is a testament to your resilience and strength of character.

7) You’ve pushed past your comfort zone

Stepping outside our comfort zone is never easy, and I know this from personal experience. As an introvert, socializing and networking were never my strengths. I used to shy away from social events and gatherings, preferring the comfort of my own company.

But I knew that to grow both personally and professionally, I had to push past this comfort zone. So, I started attending networking events, public speaking workshops, and even volunteered for leadership roles.

This journey wasn’t easy. There were awkward moments, times when I wanted to retreat back into my shell. But with each step outside my comfort zone, I felt stronger and more confident.

If you’ve also taken the leap and pushed past your own comfort zones, you’re showing emotional toughness. It’s about facing your fears, embracing new experiences, and growing from them. That’s a true sign of emotional resilience.

8) You’ve taken responsibility for your actions

We all make mistakes, it’s part of being human. But owning up to those mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions is a trait that sets emotionally tough individuals apart.

Taking responsibility is more than just saying “I messed up.” It’s about understanding the consequences of your actions, making amends where necessary, and learning from the experience to avoid repeating the mistake.

If you’ve been in situations where you’ve had to own up to your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions, you’ve demonstrated a level of emotional toughness that is commendable. It’s a sign that you’re able to accept your flaws, learn from your errors, and grow as a person.

9) You’ve chosen to forgive

One of the most challenging things in life is choosing to forgive, especially when you’ve been deeply hurt. But if you’ve managed to do so, it’s a testament to your emotional toughness.

Forgiveness is not about forgetting or condoning the wrongs done to you. It’s about freeing yourself from the burden of resentment and anger. It’s a choice that allows you to move on and focus on your wellbeing.

Choosing to forgive takes immense strength and emotional maturity. It’s a sign that you’re emotionally tougher than most, capable of kindness and understanding even in the face of hurt and disappointment.


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