If you recognize these 8 signs, you have a genuinely good woman in your life

by Creating Change Mag
If you recognize these 8 signs, you have a genuinely good woman in your life

Ever find yourself wondering if the woman in your life is truly one of a kind?

It’s not always easy to see what you have right in front of you, especially when genuine, good-hearted people don’t make a habit of drawing attention to their own worth.

But when you’re with someone who brings warmth, kindness, and love into your life, there are signs—often quiet but unmistakable—that let you know you’ve got a real gem on your hands.

As a relationship expert, I’m here to help you spot these signs.

Ready to see if you’ve hit the jackpot? Let’s dive in.

1) She’s your biggest cheerleader

There’s something exceptional about having a woman in your life who truly believes in you.

This isn’t about blind faith or empty compliments. It’s about having someone who sees your potential and isn’t afraid to push you towards it, even when the going gets tough.

She doesn’t just sit on the sidelines of your life. She’s there, actively cheering you on, offering encouragement and support when you need it most.

It’s like having your very own personal cheerleader, someone who celebrates your victories and helps you navigate through your defeats.

This kind of unwavering support is a valuable treasure in any relationship. It’s a sign of a woman who is genuinely invested in your journey and growth.

If you recognize this sign in a woman, hold onto her. She’s a keeper.

2) She cherishes honesty

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters” – Einstein

Honesty is the cornerstone of any lasting relationship, and a genuinely good woman values truth in big and small matters.

She understands the importance of transparency and open communication, and she expects the same from you. It doesn’t mean she expects you to be perfect; rather, she appreciates when you’re real with her, even when the truth is hard to swallow.

As a relationship expert, I’ve seen how honesty paves the way for mutual trust and understanding. It creates a safe space where both parties can freely express their thoughts and feelings.

Spot this trait in your woman? You’ve struck gold, my friend.

3) She values independence

These women understand the importance of independence within a relationship. She respects your space, encourages your personal growth, and doesn’t cling to you for her self-worth.

This is a concept I delve deeper into in my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. It’s all about maintaining individuality while still being a part of a loving relationship.

She knows that true love isn’t about losing oneself in another but growing together while maintaining one’s own identity. It’s about supporting each other’s personal journeys while building a shared one.

4) She’s not afraid of conflict

Contrary to what many believe, conflict isn’t always a bad sign.

As noted by the folks at WebMD, “Partners in healthy relationships are often comfortable facing difficult conversations as well as easy-to-have conversations.’

When handled properly, it becomes an avenue for growth and understanding. It’s not about winning or losing but about learning and understanding each other better.

A mature woman knows that disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. What matters is how you handle them. She doesn’t shy away from expressing her feelings or standing up for what she believes in, even if it means stirring the waters a bit.

5) She celebrates your successes

Jealousy can be a poison in relationships. But a genuinely good woman? She’s immune to such toxins.

Instead of feeling threatened by your successes, she celebrates them. She sees your win as a win for the team, not a threat.

The same goes for men, by the way. I remember when I first started Love Connection, my husband was just starting his new business too. We were both excited and nervous, but we always celebrated each other’s victories, no matter how small.

If you find her cheering for you like this, hold on to her tight.

6) She’s not all sugar and spice

Here’s the raw truth: the sort of woman you really want in your life won’t be all sugar and spice. She’ll be human, and that means she has her share of flaws, bad days, and mood swings.

She might drive you crazy with her stubbornness or frustrate you with her indecisiveness. But that’s what makes her real. It’s a sign that she’s comfortable being her true self around you.

Instead of pretending to be perfect, she embraces her imperfections and doesn’t shy away from showing them to you. And she accepts your flaws just as readily.

7) She inspires you to be the best version of yourself

Ever notice how being around some people just makes you want to do better and be better?

A woman like this has that effect on those she loves.

She pushes you—not in a demanding or forceful way, but through her actions, her mindset, and the example she sets. She encourages you to chase your dreams, set goals, and live life to the fullest. She believes in you so fiercely that it makes you believe in yourself even more.

Psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein puts it perfectly: “If both partners support each other’s pursuits, that contributes to a well-rounded, strong connection.”

She doesn’t just tell you to be better; she shows you how by continuously striving to grow and improve herself. Her ambition and passion are contagious, and before you know it, you’re motivated to become the best version of yourself.

When a woman inspires you to rise to your potential, it’s a clear sign of love, respect, and partnership. It means she sees the greatness in you, and she wants you to see it too. That kind of inspiration? It’s priceless.

8) She’s there in the tough times

This is a big one.

She’s not just there for the good times, the laughter, and the celebrations. She’s also there when things get tough – when you’re facing a personal crisis, when you’re feeling down, or when life throws you a curveball.

She doesn’t run away at the first sign of trouble. Instead, she stands by your side, offering her support, understanding, and love.

If your woman sticks with you through thick and thin, not just when it’s easy or convenient, then you’ve got more than just a good woman; you’ve got a gem.


Recognizing a genuinely good woman in your life is about understanding these signs and appreciating her for who she truly is. It’s about valuing her strengths, accepting her flaws, and cherishing the impact she has on your life.

If you recognize these signs in your woman, you’ve got something truly special. Cherish it, nurture it, and never let it go.

For more insights on maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship, check out my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. It’s packed with practical advice and personal insights that can help you build a stronger, healthier relationship.

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