Make Your Own One Page Marketing Plan

To generate your one page marketing plan, complete the steps below and fill out the following form.

For instructions, simply click on the little blue information buttons below next to each field.

Upload your logo from your hard drive if you’d like to have your company logo appear. This step is optional.

Once you’ve filled out the form and the information is complete, click on the “Generate Plan” button. This will automatically save your Marketing Plan as a PDF file.

Save your newly generated one page marketing plan as a PDF to your computer. Once you do so, it is yours to share, print, email, etc.

Step 1

Describe your ideal customer

Who is the ideal customer for your product or service? Describe the physical attributes of your customer. In this marketing plan, we are focusing on describing PEOPLE and not organizations because people make buying decisions. Imagine you had a video camera following your ideal customer around, what would the camera capture? Also consider adding their frustrations and what’s important to them when they are thinking about buying your product or service.

Upscale households with incomes between $65,000 and $500,000 with an emphasis on female decision makers between the ages of 30 and 55

How will you set yourself apart from other alternatives

This is another way of saying – what do you want to be known for. A great positioning statement comes from answers three questions – Who are you BEING as a business (Adventurous, Attentive, Bold, Brainy or Cheerful) What is the purpose of your business (30 minute delivery, 10 x return on your investment, everyone should have access to this product or service, American made , etc. ) What can I count on you for: This might be something that people are always telling you that you or your company consistently delivers.

(YOUR COMPANY NAME) is known for (WHO YOU’RE BEING) committed to (YOUR COMMITMENT). Customers can count on us to consistently (WHAT I COUNT ON YOU FOR)

Step 2

Think of your product or service offering as a present that you give to your customer. It’s more than just the product or service. It’s the “who, what, when, where, how and how much” of your product or service.

“Family Night Tuesdays” is an offering a movie theater or restaurant might have. On Family Night Tuesdays you can watch a matinee movie and get a free large popcorn all for $5 a person.

This isn’t so much about exactly what your price is – it’s how you want to price your product or service. Will you be priced at a premium such as a luxury item or do you want to be known for having a low value price? If you have a service, will you price by the hour or will you use a flat fee?

Our landscaping offers will be priced 20% above the competition. Our products and services will be premium brands and we guarantee that the work will be done on budget and on time. No surprises.

How are you going to get your product or service within arm’s reach of your customer? You can use direct sales people, distributors or the internet.

We will sell our product will be available in retail stores as well as online via our company web site only.

Step 3

How will you sell your product to your customers? How will you educate your customers about your product? How much will you grow the business?

We will grow sales by 20% per year by introducing new products and services to existing customers.

How will you service your customers? How will they reach you and how will you answer their questions? You can also describe a service policy here.

We will service all clients using an online customer service portal “Get satisfaction”. Customers are free to test products for 30 days free of charge.

How will you get the word out about your product? What marketing channels will you use?

We will promote our products through blogging and article marketing, social media and Joint Venture partnerships with experts who have complementary products.

Step 4

What is the size of your market or the market opportunity for your product or service? How will you measure success, market penetration or customer satisfaction?

We will create social media alerts to track mentions of our company, products or services, we will do customer satisfaction research on a random sample of completed transactions.

This is the section where you can put in any other ideas that you are thinking about. Perhaps you’ve thought about using webinars to sell your product or online videos for training – this is the place to put those miscellaneous ideas.

Click the Browse button to the right and choose a JPG, GIF, or PNG. Our software will automatically resize your logo to the appropriate size.

The post originally appeared on following source : Source link

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