7 behaviors of men who everybody wants to be friends with, according to psychology

We’ve all come across those guys who seem to be everyone’s best friend. They’re the ones who are always surrounded by people, laughing and having a good time.

But what makes these men so likable? Is it a special charm or just a knack for making people feel good?

Well, it’s not magic.

There are specific behaviors these men exhibit that make them universally appealing. And the good news is that these can be learned.

In this article, we’re going to dive into 7 such behaviors.

1) They’re good listeners

This one may sound obvious, but listening is an underrated skill.

As bestselling author Stephen Covey famously wrote, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”

That distinction is key. The men who seem to be everyone’s best friend know how to make the person they’re talking to feel valued by listening actively and with genuine interest.

These men don’t just nod along, waiting for their turn to speak—they’re engaged, they ask questions, and they don’t rush to fill every silence.

This makes people feel valued and respected, which builds trust and rapport​​.

Think about the last time you felt someone was really paying attention to what you had to say—it likely left a positive impression.

Being an active listener helps these men stand out and makes others want to be around them because people love to feel heard.

2) They aren’t afraid to be vulnerable

So many men make the mistake of putting up emotional walls, afraid to show their true colors.

They’ve bought into the myth that vulnerability is a weakness, but in reality, it’s the opposite—it’s what makes us human and relatable.

Hiding behind a facade might make us seem tough, but it also keeps others at arm’s length.

As renowned researcher Brené Brown puts it, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.”

In other words, the very things that make life worth living come from being open and honest, not pretending to have it all together​.

This doesn’t mean airing every insecurity, but rather having the courage to admit when they’re struggling, uncertain, or even afraid.

This openness fosters genuine connections because when you’re real, people feel safe being real with you too.

Here’s the truth: it’s not perfection that makes people like us—it’s our imperfections. The willingness to be vulnerable builds trust, empathy, and deeper relationships.

If you want others to truly connect with you, start by letting them see the real you.

3) They have a positive outlook

Here’s one you probably expected.

It’s no secret that we are drawn to people who exude positivity and optimism but it’s also backed up by science.

According to researchers, our brain naturally tends to mimic the moods of those around us.

This phenomenon, known as emotional contagion, suggests that we can ‘catch’ the emotions of others just like we catch a cold.

Of course, this doesn’t mean these men are constantly cheerful in a fake way. Instead, they acknowledge the bad but focus on the good.

They choose to see challenges as opportunities and setbacks as temporary.

This positive energy makes them fun to be around, and people gravitate toward that because, let’s be honest, life is hard enough without surrounding ourselves with negativity.

4) They’re respectful

Respect is a universal currency in any interaction. It’s one of those fundamental behaviors that are appreciated in every culture and community.

These guys understand this. They treat everyone with respect, regardless of their status, background, or opinions.

This means listening without interrupting, acknowledging other’s viewpoints even if they disagree, and never resorting to personal attacks or derogatory comments.

They know that each person has their own unique journey and story to tell. And they respect that.

5) They are empathetic

Have you ever met someone who just gets you? Someone who can understand what you’re going through without judgment?

That’s the power of empathy, and it’s one of the key traits of these men.

They don’t just listen to the words you’re saying; they pay attention to the emotions behind them. They can put themselves in your shoes, offering support when you need it most.

Research backs this up showing that empathy strengthens social bonds by making others feel understood and valued​.

In a world where many people are quick to give advice or dismiss feelings, these men stand out by offering genuine care and understanding.

This ability to connect on a deeper level is what fosters lasting friendships because people know they can turn to them in both good times and bad.

Being empathetic isn’t just about sympathy; it’s about making others feel heard, respected, and safe.

6) They’re reliable

Reliability is another trait often underestimated. But it’s one that sets the universally liked men apart.

They’re the ones who show up when they say they will, who follow through on their promises, and who you can count on when you need them.

A few years back, I was going through a rough patch. Nothing seemed to be going right, and I was feeling overwhelmed.

But I had a friend, Mike, who was always there. He would check in on me regularly and was always ready to lend a hand or an ear when needed.

His reliability during that time built a bond of trust between us that still stands today. It made me realize how valuable it is to have someone you can truly rely on in your life.

7) They’re genuine

At the heart of all these behaviors lies one vital trait: genuineness.

The men who everyone wants to be friends with are genuine in their interactions. They don’t put on a mask or try to be someone they’re not.

They’re true to their feelings and aren’t afraid to express them. They’re honest in their relationships, and they treat others with sincerity.

This authenticity makes them trustworthy and likable. It forms the foundation of strong, lasting friendships.

The bottom line

Being someone that others want to be around isn’t about having some rare charm or an unapproachable level of confidence—it’s about mastering a few key behaviors that show respect, empathy, and authenticity.

The best part?

These traits aren’t exclusive to a lucky few. They’re habits that anyone can develop with intention and practice.

So, if you want to become that guy—the one people gravitate toward—it starts with small changes in how you relate to others. Show up, be kind, and don’t be afraid to let people see the real you.

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