People who are charming in public but selfish and mean behind closed doors usually display these 9 behaviors

by Creating Change Mag
People who are charming in public but selfish and mean behind closed doors usually display these 9 behaviors

There’s a stark difference between how people present themselves in public and who they truly are behind closed doors.

Often, those who are charming in public may not be as pleasant in private. They put on a show for the world, but their true colors show when no one is watching.

These individuals usually exhibit certain behaviors that give them away. By learning to recognize these signs, you can avoid the pain of dealing with such people.

In this article, I’ll reveal nine behaviors typical of people who are charming on the outside but selfish and mean on the inside.

Let’s get started.

1) Self-centered conversations

Behind the charm and charisma they display in public, these individuals reveal their true colors through their conversations at home or in private.

They have a knack for steering every discussion back to themselves. Even when the conversation is about you or someone else, they tend to find a way to make it revolve around them.

This behavior is a clear sign of their selfishness. They are only interested in discussing their own experiences, achievements, or problems, showing little interest or empathy towards others.

Being aware of this behavior can help you identify those who are charming on the surface but mean and selfish behind closed doors.

2) Disregard for others’ feelings

I remember a friend of mine, always the life of the party, making everyone laugh and feel at ease. But when we were alone, her attitude would completely change.

She wouldn’t consider my feelings before making harsh comments or criticizing my choices. She often dismissed my opinions without a second thought, focusing only on her needs and desires.

This showed her lack of respect for others’ feelings and a deep-rooted selfishness. It’s crucial to recognize such behavior, as it gives away the true nature of those who are charming in public but selfish and mean in private.

3) Inability to admit wrongs

Psychologists have observed that individuals who are outwardly charming but privately mean, often display an inability to acknowledge their faults. They rarely take responsibility for their actions and tend to shift the blame onto others.

This behavior stems from an ingrained belief that they are always right and everyone else is wrong. This lack of self-awareness and refusal to admit mistakes is a common trait among such individuals.

4) Frequent mood swings

People who are charming in public but mean in private often display frequent and unpredictable mood swings. One minute they might be laughing and joking, the next they could be irritable and rude.

These sudden changes in mood can be disorienting to those around them, creating an environment of uncertainty and discomfort. It’s a manipulative tactic that keeps others on their toes, never sure what to expect.

5) Lack of genuine empathy

While they may appear sympathetic and understanding in public, these individuals often lack genuine empathy.

They may pretend to care about others’ feelings, but in private, they show a clear disregard for the emotions and concerns of those around them. Their primary focus remains their own needs and desires.

This lack of true empathy distinguishes them from genuinely kind-hearted individuals who not only understand but also feel the emotions of others.

It’s a key trait to look out for in people who are charming in public but selfish and mean behind closed doors.

6) Limited acts of kindness

One of the most heartbreaking things about these individuals is that their acts of kindness are often limited and calculated.

They may shower you with attention and gifts in front of others, but behind closed doors, their generosity tends to vanish. Their acts of kindness are typically driven by the desire for admiration or approval, rather than genuine care or compassion.

The stark difference between their public and private behaviors can be disheartening, especially when you expect them to be as kind and caring in private as they are in public.

7) Unforeseen criticism

I recall an incident with a seemingly charming individual who was always praised for his charisma and charm. However, when we found ourselves alone, the charm faded, replaced by a barrage of unexpected criticism.

He picked apart everything from my appearance to my life choices, his words slicing through me like a knife. His public charm was merely a mask that hid his true, mean-spirited nature.

It’s this kind of unforeseen criticism that people who are charming in public but mean in private often employ, leaving you feeling belittled and devalued. Understanding this can be crucial in identifying and dealing with such individuals.

8) Unwillingness to compromise

Another common behavior displayed by such individuals is an unwillingness to compromise. They often prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others, even in situations where a compromise is clearly the best course of action.

Their stubbornness and insistence on having things their way, regardless of the impact on others, is a clear sign of their selfish nature.

9) They rarely apologize

People who are charming in public but mean in private rarely apologize for their actions. Even when they hurt others, they tend to justify their actions rather than admitting their mistakes and saying sorry.

This inability to apologize is more than just pride; it’s a demonstration of their lack of concern for the feelings of others. It’s perhaps the most telling sign of their true nature, and one that should not be ignored.

Final thoughts: The mask and the mirror

Understanding human behavior is a complex task, especially when it comes to individuals who are charming in public but mean and selfish behind closed doors.

These individuals often wear a mask, presenting a charming facade to the world while hiding their true nature. However, it’s essential to remember that every mask has a mirror behind it, reflecting the true character of the person wearing it.

The nine behaviors we’ve discussed can act as a window into this mirror, helping you identify these individuals and navigate your interactions with them more wisely.

As psychologist Carl Jung once said, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

In the end, recognizing these behaviors is not about judging others, but about understanding them better to foster healthier interactions and relationships.

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