If you recognize these 8 subtle signs, your partner brings out the best in you

Have you ever stopped to wonder why you feel like the best version of yourself around your partner?

A truly special relationship has this almost magical quality where you’re inspired to grow, laugh more, and tackle life’s ups and downs with a little extra courage.

It’s not always about grand gestures; sometimes, the signs that someone brings out the best in you are beautifully subtle.

If you’re curious to know if your relationship has that spark, here are eight gentle indicators that your partner is helping you shine in ways you might not even realize.

Ready to discover if you’ve found someone who makes you feel like you, only better?

1) They’re your biggest cheerleader

In the game of love, it’s not just about finding someone who loves you. It’s about finding someone who:

  • Believes in you
  • Supports you
  • Encourages you to chase your dreams

Isn’t it wonderful when your partner not only understands your aspirations but also cheers you on every step of the way?

That’s the first subtle sign that your partner is bringing out the best in you.

When they are your biggest cheerleader, they create an environment where you feel empowered, confident, and ready to conquer the world.

Their unwavering belief in you can fuel your ambition and motivate you to strive harder.

They don’t just passively participate in your journey; they actively boost your morale, celebrate your victories, and lift you up during setbacks.

But remember – a good cheerleader doesn’t just cheer blindly. They also know when to provide constructive criticism to help you grow. They push you to be better because they believe in your potential. And that’s powerful.

2) They inspire personal growth

Growth is a fundamental part of life, and I’ve always believed that the best relationships are those in which both partners inspire each other to grow, to learn, and to evolve.

Have you ever noticed your partner gently pushing you out of your comfort zone?

Encouraging you to try new things, to face your fears, or to take on challenges that you might have previously shied away from?

That’s the second sign that they’re bringing out the best in you.

A partner who encourages your personal growth isn’t just interested in who you are now. They’re invested in who you can become.

They see your potential and they want to help you reach it.

3) They foster independence

Independence in a relationship might sound paradoxical, but trust me, it’s not.

A healthy relationship is one where both partners can stand on their own two feet.

In my book, “Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship“, I explore the importance of maintaining your individuality while being part of a couple.

And that’s the third sign that your partner is bringing out the best in you – they encourage your independence. So, they:

  • Respect your personal space
  • Support your individual pursuits
  • Understand that you are an individual first before being part of a couple

They don’t see your independence as a threat to the relationship, but rather as an asset. They understand that a relationship is about two whole individuals coming together, not two halves trying to make a whole.

4) They’re not afraid to disagree with you

Now, this might seem counterintuitive. After all, don’t we all dream of a partner who agrees with us on everything?

The reality, however, is quite different.

Having a partner who’s not afraid to challenge your opinions is a subtle sign they’re bringing out the best in you.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying they should be confrontational or argumentative. But a healthy amount of disagreement can stimulate intellectual growth and emotional maturity.

A partner who brings out the best in you won’t always tell you what you want to hear.

Instead, they’ll tell you what you need to hear. They’re not afraid to question your ideas or decisions if they believe it’s in your best interest.

It’s not about winning an argument, but about learning, growing, and evolving together.

5) They celebrate your successes

Through my own journey in love and relationships, I’ve realized the importance of having a partner who genuinely celebrates your successes.

A partner who brings out the best in you will not only acknowledge your achievements but also celebrate them.

They’re not threatened by your success; instead, they embrace it and are genuinely happy for you.

Remember, it’s not just about big victories. It’s about those little wins too – like finally nailing a tricky yoga pose or mastering a new recipe.

A partner who’s invested in your growth will celebrate these triumphs, no matter how small they might seem to others.

Having someone who recognizes and appreciates your wins can be incredibly motivating. It boosts your confidence and fuels you to achieve more.

6) They’re there during your failures

Life isn’t always a bed of roses, and failures are as much a part of our journey as successes. But what counts is having someone by your side who sticks with you through thick and thin.

A partner who truly brings out the best in you will be there during your failures.

They won’t run at the first sign of trouble or make you feel worse about your mistakes. Instead, they’ll offer comfort, support, and understanding.

They see your failures not as a representation of who you are, but as stepping stones on your path to growth.

They remind you that it’s okay to fall, as long as you pick yourself up and keep moving forward.

7) They listen to understand, not to respond

Over the years, I’ve learned that one of the greatest gifts a partner can give you is their undivided attention.

A partner who brings out the best in you will truly listen to you. They won’t just nod along while mentally preparing their response. They’ll listen to:

  • Understand
  • Empathize
  • Connect with you on a deeper level

Stephen R. Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” once said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”

A partner who listens to understand is a rare gem.

This kind of active listening is a sign of respect and validation. It shows that they value your thoughts and feelings.

8) They accept you, flaws and all

No one is perfect, and we all come with our own set of quirks and flaws.

A partner who brings out the best in you will understand this and accept you for who you are, including your imperfections.

They won’t try to change you to fit their idea of a perfect partner. Instead, they’ll cherish your uniqueness and appreciate you, warts and all.

This kind of acceptance can be incredibly liberating.

It allows you to be your authentic self without fear of judgment or rejection. And that’s when you truly start to flourish.

Being loved for who we truly are, instead of who we pretend to be, is one of the most empowering feelings in the world.


Recognizing these subtle signs that your partner brings out the best in you can be truly transformative.

It’s about understanding that the right partner doesn’t just love you, but inspires you to grow, cheers on your successes, supports you during failures, and loves you, flaws and all.

If you’ve recognized these signs in your own relationship, congratulations! You’ve found someone who truly brings out the best in you.

And if you’re still on the journey of finding such a partner, don’t lose heart.

Remember, it’s about growth, understanding, and mutual respect.

For more insights on nurturing healthy relationships and overcoming codependency, do check out my book “Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship“. It’s packed with practical tips and strategies to help you build a strong, fulfilling relationship.

Remember, the best relationships aren’t just about finding the right partner. They’re about being the right partner too.

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