8 phrases a toxic partner will use when they’re talking down to you, says psychology

Toxic relationships often involve subtle forms of manipulation, with language being one of the most powerful tools.

If you’ve ever been involved with a toxic partner, you know how their words can sting and leave you feeling small.

A toxic partner might use certain phrases to belittle you, erode your confidence, or maintain control—all while making it seem normal.

As a toxic relationship can be emotionally draining and damaging, recognizing the signs is crucial for your well-being.

According to psychology, these eight phrases are commonly used when a partner is talking down to you, and recognizing them is the first step to protecting your emotional well-being:

1) “You’re too sensitive”

This phrase is a classic tool in the toxic partner’s arsenal.

They will use it to dismiss your feelings and make you doubt your own experiences.

For example, you might be upset about something they said or did, and when you express your feelings, they’ll respond with this phrase.

In essence, they’re saying that the problem isn’t their behavior, but your reaction to it.

This is a form of ‘gaslighting’, which is a manipulative tactic used to make someone question their reality—it shifts the blame from the toxic partner to you, making you feel like you’re overreacting or being unreasonable.

The truth is, your feelings are valid and you have every right to express them.

Don’t let this phrase make you second guess yourself—everyone deserves a partner who respects their feelings and emotions.

2) “I was just joking!”

It’s a clever tactic, as it can lead you to question whether you’re overreacting or lacking a sense of humor.

They might say something that belittles or embarrasses you, and when you react negatively, they quickly follow up with “I was just joking”.

The intention here is to make it seem like the problem lies with your inability to take a joke, rather than their inappropriate comment.

In reality, humor should never be used as a cover for disrespect or cruelty.

Healthy jokes in a relationship are based on mutual understanding and respect—they don’t leave one person feeling insulted or demeaned.

3) “You’re overreacting”

When they say this, they’re trying to shift the blame onto you, making it seem as if your emotional response is the problem rather than their own hurtful actions or words.

Similar to the first phrase, this phrase is a form of gaslighting—the more someone tells you that you’re overreacting, the more likely you are to start believing it and doubting your own emotions.

However, what’s important to remember is that your feelings are valid and, if something upsets you, you have every right to express that emotion.

The next time your partner tells you that you’re overreacting, take a moment to consider whether it’s really about your reaction or if it’s a way for them to avoid accountability for their actions.

4) “If you loved me, you would…”

Here’s a phrase that can make your heart sink.

A statement like this can come in many forms, but it always serves the same purpose—to manipulate you into doing something by questioning your love or commitment.

When someone uses this phrase, it’s easy to feel cornered or guilty—after all, you do love them, so why wouldn’t you want to meet their request?

But love isn’t about proving yourself constantly or fulfilling unreasonable demands.

True love means respect, understanding, and equal partnership—it surely doesn’t involve emotional blackmail or guilt-tripping.

Your love is not measured by compliance but by mutual respect and caring.

5) “You’re just like your (mother/father)!”

We’ve all been there: In the heat of an argument, your partner throws out this low blow.

Hearing this phrase can sting, especially if the comparison is made in a negative context or with someone you have a complex relationship with.

This comment is designed to trigger you, make you defensive, and divert attention from the issue at hand—a tactic to make you feel inferior and put them in a position of power, if you may.

Everyone has unique traits and behaviors, influenced by various factors including family upbringing; being compared to someone else, especially in a derogatory manner, isn’t fair or accurate.

6) “No one else would put up with you”

It’s a particularly cruel form of manipulation, designed to make you feel undesirable, unwanted, or difficult to love.

I remember a friend once shared with me how her partner would often use this phrase during their heated arguments: It made her question her worth and made her feel trapped in the relationship out of fear that no one else would love her.

In reality, this phrase is a reflection of the toxic partner’s own insecurities and desire for control, not a truth about your worth or lovability.

Humans have flaws and make mistakes—these don’t make you unlovable or impossible to be with.

You partner should accept you as you are, flaws included, and work through issues constructively without resorting to such hurtful comments.

7) “You can’t do anything right”

You can say that this is a direct attack on your self-esteem to make you feel incompetent, inadequate, and constantly second-guessing yourself.

Let’s get something straight: Nobody is perfect.

People have their strengths and weaknesses, and we all mess up sometimes—that’s part of being human.

But a partner who constantly tells you that you can’t do anything right is not trying to help you improve; they’re trying to keep you down.

A comment like this is harmful and unhealthy as it can slowly chip away at your confidence and make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells, always afraid of making a mistake.

Just because someone says something doesn’t make it true—you are capable and deserving of respect.

8) “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you!”

Hearing this phrase might seem like a compliment, but it’s often used as a form of manipulation.

The implication is that you’re lucky to be with them, that you couldn’t do better, or that you’d be lost without them.

The most important thing to remember is this: You are complete on your own.

Your worth is not determined by who you’re with or by someone else’s opinion of you—you deserve a partner who respects and values you, not one who belittles you or makes you feel less than.

If your partner regularly uses any of these phrases, it may be time to evaluate your relationship.

Remember that a healthy relationship should lift you up, not bring you down—you deserve nothing less than respect and kindness from a partner.


Navigating relationships can be complex, but you’re not alone.

This article highlights manipulative phrases a toxic partner might use but, remember, your journey is yours to shape.

Your feelings are valid, and you deserve respect and kindness—life is too precious for manipulation or toxicity.

Your wisdom lies in recognizing when a relationship isn’t serving you and finding the courage to seek something healthier.

Here’s to building relationships that uplift, validate, and respect you—because you deserve nothing less!

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