8 signs you’ve fallen in love with a deeply insecure woman, according to psychology

Falling for a deeply insecure woman can lead you down a path of emotional turmoil, if you’re not aware.

Don’t get me wrong, we all have our insecurities. But when insecurities start dictating the dynamics of a relationship, it can be a cause for concern.

So let me share with you some signs that you’ve fallen in love with a deeply insecure woman, as highlighted by psychology.

1) She constantly seeks validation

Validation seeking is often a telltale sign of deep-seated insecurity.

An insecure woman may constantly seek your approval and reassurance. She needs to hear that she’s loved, appreciated, and valued frequently.

If you find yourself constantly having to affirm her worth, it might be an indication of her insecurities.

But let’s be real, there’s nothing wrong with seeking validation per se. We all need a dose of it from time to time. However, when it becomes a persistent need, it can be draining for both parties.

It’s like being stuck in a loop of reassurance that never seems to fill the void she feels inside. And this can create an emotional imbalance in the relationship.

2) She’s overly sensitive to criticism

Personal experience has taught me that dealing with criticism is a part of life.

We all face it, and it helps us grow. But when I was with Lisa, a deeply insecure woman I once loved, it was a whole different ball game.

Even the slightest hint of criticism sent her spiralling into self-doubt and despair. It didn’t matter how constructive or well-intentioned my feedback was, she took it as a personal attack.

I remember one time I casually mentioned that the new dish she cooked was a tad too salty. She took it to heart and didn’t cook for weeks, convinced she was a terrible cook.

It was heartbreaking to see her beat herself up over such minor things.

Overly sensitive reactions to criticism can be a sign of deep insecurity. They reflect a fear of not being good enough and an inability to handle imperfection.

3) She’s always comparing herself to others

Comparisons are human nature. We all do it to some extent. But when you’re in love with a deeply insecure woman, this tendency can be amplified and become a detrimental pattern.

In a world dominated by social media, it’s easy for her to fall into the trap of endless comparisons. She might constantly measure herself against other women – their looks, their careers, their relationships.

Psychology tells us that this constant comparison can lead to what is known as “social comparison theory.”

It suggests that individuals determine their own social and personal worth based on how they stack up against others.

This constant need to ‘measure up’ can be more prevalent in deeply insecure individuals.

4) She’s overly possessive

Possessiveness can be flattering at first. Who doesn’t like to feel wanted and valued? But when it starts to cross boundaries and impede your personal space, it’s a cause for concern.

A deeply insecure woman may exhibit signs of possessiveness. She might want to know where you are all the time, who you’re with and what you’re doing.

It’s not because she doesn’t trust you, per se. It’s more about her fear of losing you.

Ironically, this fear often stems from her feeling of not being good enough for you. Being overly possessive is her way of trying to control the circumstances that make her feel insecure.

A healthy relationship is based on trust and respect for each other’s personal space. If that’s missing, it’s time to take a step back and assess the situation.

5) She struggles with self-love

If she struggles with self-love, it’s a clear sign of deep insecurity.

Loving oneself is the first step to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. It allows us to accept love from others and give love in return.

But when you’ve fallen for a deeply insecure woman, you’ll often find that she struggles with self-love.

She might constantly belittle herself, focusing more on her flaws than her strengths. She might struggle with accepting compliments, brushing them off as if they were undeserved.

This lack of self-love can make it hard for her to believe that someone else could genuinely love her.

It’s heartbreaking to see someone you love not being able to see their worth through your eyes.

You find yourself wishing they could see themselves the way you see them – wonderful and deserving of all the good things in life.

6) She’s afraid of confrontation

I’ve always been a believer in open communication in a relationship. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary for growth and understanding.

However, when I was with Emily, she was terrified of confrontations.

Whenever we had disagreements, she would shut down. It was as if she was scared that any conflict between us would mean the end of our relationship.

She would rather bottle up her feelings than express them and risk a confrontation.

This fear of conflict is often linked to insecurity. It stems from the fear of losing the relationship and the uncertainty that comes with it.

It’s a tough situation to navigate, as open communication is vital in any relationship.

7) She constantly tests your commitment

In a relationship, it’s important to feel secure in your partner’s commitment. But when you’re dealing with a deeply insecure woman, she may constantly test your commitment to her.

She might often put you in situations where you have to prove your love for her.

This can range from making you choose between her and other important aspects of your life, to seeking reassurance about your feelings for her.

This constant testing can be emotionally exhausting. It stems from her insecurity and the fear of being abandoned.

8) She has a hard time trusting you

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship. Without it, the foundation of your bond can easily crumble.

If your partner is deeply insecure, she might have a hard time trusting you, even when you give her no reason to doubt.

She may question your motives, your words, and your actions, fearing that you might hurt her.

This lack of trust can create a rift in your relationship and lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

Final thoughts

The renowned psychologist Carl Rogers once said, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

This statement holds true for dealing with insecurities. Acceptance is the first step towards change.

Insecurity can be challenging both for the one experiencing it and for those who love them.

With patience, understanding, and professional help if needed, it’s possible to go through it.

The post originally appeared on following source : Source link

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