People who stay mentally alert in their 70s and beyond typically adopt these 9 habits (says a psychologist)

When you think about your 70s, what comes to mind?

Cozy mornings in the garden, family dinners filled with laughter, playful moments with grandkids?

It’s a heartwarming scene — but here’s a truth most people overlook: none of it feels as vibrant without a sharp mind.

The good news? Staying mentally alert isn’t a roll of the dice.

It’s a result of simple, everyday habits that anyone can adopt.

Want to stay quick, curious, and clear-headed for decades to come? Here are 9 game-changing practices to keep your mind razor-sharp.

1) Embrace lifelong learning

There’s a common thread among individuals who remain mentally agile well into their 70s and beyond, and it’s this: they never stop learning.

As a psychologist, I find this trait in people who stay sharp as they age. They are always eager to learn something new, whether it’s a new language, a hobby, or even a complex subject like astrophysics.

Lifelong learning keeps their minds active, encouraging curiosity and adaptability. The concept isn’t new; it’s the idea that our capacity to learn and grow doesn’t stop once we leave formal education.

As Albert Einstein wisely said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” Just like the body needs exercise to stay fit, our brain needs mental stimulation to stay sharp. Lifelong learning provides that essential stimulation, keeping us mentally engaged and ready for new challenges at any age.

2) Keep social connections strong

This one is personal to me. Let me tell you about my grandmother.

My grandmother, at the age of 87, was sharper than most people half her age. She remembered names, dates, and even the smallest details of conversations. But it wasn’t her memory that amazed me the most; it was her social interactions.

She was always surrounded by friends and family, and she loved engaging in thoughtful conversations, debates, and even friendly disputes over a game of cards. She believed that her active social life kept her mind sharp.

This isn’t just anecdotal evidence. Research shows that maintaining strong social connections can help delay cognitive decline as we age.

So, if you want to stay mentally alert as you grow older, foster your relationships. Keep up with old friends, make new ones, and engage in social activities that stimulate your mind.

It worked for my grandmother, and it could work for you too.

3) Regular physical exercise

Physical exercise isn’t just about keeping your body in shape; it’s also a significant contributor to maintaining a sharp mind.

Walking for 150 minutes per week can significantly improve memory and cognitive function. The effects of physical activity on cognitive health are far-reaching. It boosts blood flow to the brain, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the growth of new brain cells, which can enhance mental clarity and focus.

Engaging in regular physical exercise has been shown to help preserve cognitive abilities as you age, ensuring that your brain stays active and healthy. Incorporating consistent exercise into your routine can have long-lasting benefits, promoting mental vitality well into your 70s and beyond.

4) Balanced diet

What we eat affects not just our physical health but our mental health too.

Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides the essential nutrients needed for optimal brain function. It’s no surprise that people who maintain their mental alertness into their 70s and beyond prioritize eating healthily. Foods high in antioxidants like blueberries, spinach, and nuts protect the brain from damage. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and mackerel support the health of brain cells. Even spices like turmeric offer potential cognitive benefits.

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin‘s words, “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are,” remind us how crucial our diet is for mental vitality. Focusing on a nutrient-rich diet can enhance brain health and mental clarity, ensuring that you stay sharp as you age.

5) Embrace positivity

Life has its fair share of ups and downs. Yet, those who remain mentally sharp well into their golden years share a trait – they embrace positivity.

They see the glass as half full, not half empty. They cherish the good times and extract valuable lessons from the bad ones. Laughter comes easily to them, and they express gratitude daily, choosing joy even in the face of adversity. Their outlook on life is nothing short of inspiring, as though their positive attitude not only enriches their lives but also keeps their minds alert.

Positivity goes beyond simply wearing a smile; it involves maintaining a hopeful mindset and believing in the potential for good, regardless of life’s challenges. Winston Churchill famously noted, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

6) Prioritize sleep

There was a time when I used to sacrifice sleep to get more done. I’d push through the late hours of the night, believing that sleep was a luxury I couldn’t afford. But over time, I noticed that my lack of sleep was affecting more than just my energy levels; it was impacting my mental sharpness.

Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and decision-making. People who stay mentally alert well into their 70s and beyond usually prioritize getting a good night’s sleep.

Our brains need this time to consolidate memories and clear out toxins. When we skimp on sleep, we’re depriving our brains of this vital recovery time.

7) Embrace new technologies

In a world where technology is seen as a young person’s game, you might be surprised to learn that embracing new technologies can actually help keep your mind sharp as you age.

While it’s true that learning new tech can seem daunting, especially if you didn’t grow up in the digital age, it’s precisely this challenge that makes it beneficial for cognitive health. Learning how to use a new app, gadget, or software requires mental flexibility and adaptability – key components of cognitive fitness.

People who maintain their mental alertness into their 70s and beyond don’t shy away from new technologies. They see them as opportunities to learn and grow, keeping their minds active and engaged.

So, you’re looking to stay mentally sharp as you age? Don’t dismiss technology as something just for the younger generations. Give it a try.

8) Regular medical check-ups

Prevention is better than cure. This old adage holds true when it comes to maintaining mental alertness in your 70s and beyond.

Regular medical check-ups can help detect potential health issues early on, including those that could affect cognitive health like hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol. By managing these conditions effectively, you can reduce their impact on your cognitive health.

People who stay mentally sharp as they age understand the importance of regular medical check-ups. They don’t see them as an inconvenience, but as a crucial part of maintaining their overall health and wellbeing.

9) Stay curious

Curiosity is the cornerstone of mental alertness. It’s the driving force behind learning and discovery.

When we’re curious, we seek answers. We explore, we question, and we grow. Our minds stay active and engaged, helping to maintain cognitive sharpness.

People who remain mentally alert into their 70s and beyond have an insatiable curiosity about the world around them. They never stop asking questions, learning new things, and exploring new ideas.

If there’s one habit to cultivate for mental alertness as you age, let it be curiosity. Keep asking. Keep learning. Keep exploring. Your mind will thank you for it.

Final thoughts: It’s in your hands

The marvel of the human brain and its capacity to stay sharp and agile well into our 70s and beyond is truly fascinating. And while genetics and environment play their part, much of it comes down to our habits and lifestyle choices.

Whether it’s embracing lifelong learning, maintaining strong social connections, or prioritizing good sleep, these are all habits within our control. They’re not just actions, but investments into our cognitive health.

Remember, the brain is a muscle that needs regular exercise. Just as we take care of our bodies, we must also nurture and care for our minds. The choices we make today can significantly impact our cognitive health later in life.

As you reflect on these habits, know that maintaining mental alertness as you age is not just a possibility; it’s a choice. A choice that’s in your hands.

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