7 things a narcissist does when you realize they can no longer use you

There’s a stark contrast between a genuine person and a narcissist, particularly when they realize they can’t use you anymore.

This realization kicks off a series of actions by the narcissist, who are masters of manipulation and self-interest.

But how does a narcissist react when they realize their game is up? How do they behave once they know they can no longer use you for their purposes?

In the next part of this article, I’ll break down 7 things a narcissist does when you’ve figured out their game.

And believe me, it’s an eye-opener. Let’s dive right in.

1) They play the victim

There’s no denying that narcissists are experts at playing mind games.

One of their favorite tactics is to play the victim, especially when they realize they can no longer use you.

Picture this. You’ve finally seen through their manipulation and decide to cut ties. Suddenly, they’re the ones acting hurt, betrayed, and wronged.

The aim? To make you question your decision and pull on your heartstrings.

This classic ‘woe is me’ act is a narcissist’s desperate attempt to regain control and keep you entangled in their web.

But remember, it’s just that – an act.

It’s important not to fall back into their trap once you’ve seen them for what they truly are.

2) They start a smear campaign

I’ve had this happen to me before. When a certain individual, let’s call him John, realized he could no longer use me for his own gains, he resorted to spreading rumors about me.

John started spinning tales, painting me as the bad guy in our fallout.

He would share half-truths and outright lies about me to mutual friends, colleagues, and anyone who’d listen.

This was his way of deflecting blame and maintaining his ego.

Narcissists hate losing face and will do anything to protect their image, even if it means treading on someone else’s reputation.

It was a painful experience, but it taught me a lot about how narcissists operate when they lose control.

They don’t hesitate to throw others under the bus to save themselves.

3) They give you the silent treatment

When a narcissist realizes they can’t use you anymore, they might resort to the silent treatment.

This is a form of emotional abuse designed to make you feel ignored, invalidated, and alone.

Interestingly, research has shown that the silent treatment activates the same area in the brain that physical pain does.

This explains why being ignored can feel so incredibly hurtful and confusing.

The narcissist’s hope is that you’ll feel lost without their attention and come running back.

It’s their way of regaining power and control in the situation. Stand firm, because this is just another manipulation tactic in their playbook.

4) They become overly charming

It’s not unusual for a narcissist to switch gears when they see their control slipping away. Suddenly, the person who’s been manipulating and belittling you becomes extremely charming and attentive.

They may shower you with compliments, gifts, and acts of kindness. It’s like they’ve transformed into a completely different person overnight.

This about-face can be quite confusing, leaving you questioning if you were wrong about them all along.

But don’t be fooled. This charm offensive is just another manipulation tactic to reel you back in.

Once they feel they’ve regained their control, they’ll likely revert back to their old ways.

Always remember actions speak louder than words, especially when dealing with a narcissist.

5) They try to provoke jealousy

Once, when my narcissistic acquaintance realized she could no longer use me, she went all out to make me jealous.

Suddenly, she was always surrounded by new friends and was constantly sharing stories of their amazing adventures together.

She made sure I was aware of every fun outing, every shared joke, every bond she was forming with others.

It was as if she wanted me to see what I was missing out on.

This ploy didn’t work on me because I’d already seen through her manipulation. But it’s good to be aware of such tactics.

A narcissist will often try to provoke jealousy in a bid to regain control and make you feel like you’re missing out by not having them in your life.

6) They resort to threats and intimidation

When a narcissist senses they’re losing control over you, they might turn to threats or intimidation.

This can range fromsubtle emotional threats to more overt forms of intimidation.

They might threaten to reveal embarrassing secrets, spread rumors about you, or even intimidate you physically.

This is their desperate attempt to regain the power they feel slipping away.

Remember, this is a clear sign of their desperation and not a reflection of your worth. It’s crucial not to give in to these scare tactics.

Instead, seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals to help you navigate this challenging situation.

7) They finally leave you alone

In the end, when a narcissist realizes that they can no longer use you or regain control, they will likely move on.

They thrive on manipulation and control, and when they can’t get that from you, they’ll seek it elsewhere.

This might feel like a victory, but it can also be incredibly painful. After all the manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional turmoil, their quiet exit can feel anticlimactic or even disappointing.

But remember this: their departure is the best outcome for your mental and emotional health.

It’s your opportunity to heal, grow, and move forward without their toxic influence in your life.

In conclusion: It’s about self-preservation

Navigating a relationship with a narcissist can be a tumultuous journey, but recognizing their tactics is the first step in preserving your emotional well-being.

Understanding these seven behaviors can arm you with the knowledge to see through their manipulation and control.

More importantly, it allows you to realize that their actions are not a reflection of your worth, but a desperate attempt to maintain their own ego.

Understanding the complexities of narcissism gives you the tools to protect yourself from emotional abuse.”

As you journey forward, remember that it’s not about winning or losing a game against a narcissist. It’s about preserving your self-esteem, rebuilding your life, and finding peace in the chaos they often leave behind.

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