8 things narcissists love to criticize others for, according to psychology

If you’ve interacted with a narcissist, you’ve likely been on the receiving end of some harsh criticism.

Being around a narcissist can be a tough journey, marked by bouts of excessive criticism and unwarranted advice.

Narcissism, much like borderline personality disorder, is a recognized psychological condition, not a lifestyle choice.

Each narcissist behaves differently, so relationships with them can be uniquely challenging.

There are ways to navigate these challenges, and understanding the psychology behind the criticisms can be incredibly helpful.

So here’s a quick rundown of eight things narcissists often criticize others for, according to psychology.

1) Successes and achievements

Have you ever noticed how a narcissist seems to belittle or downplay your accomplishments?

It’s not uncommon for narcissists to criticize others for their successes and achievements.

This can be especially confusing and hurtful, as these are usually moments where we expect support and validation, not criticism.

Narcissism is a psychological condition, and this behavior is often driven by their own insecurities.

When someone else shines, it threatens their self-esteem, leading them to criticize or diminish your success to make themselves feel better.

It’s important to understand that this criticism isn’t a reflection of your achievements. It’s a projection of their own insecurities.

Recognizing this can help you navigate interactions with them more effectively and maintain your own self-esteem.

It may be challenging, but remember, your accomplishments are worthy of celebration, no matter what a narcissist might say.

2) Empathy and kindness

Yes, you heard it right. Narcissists often criticize others for showing empathy and kindness.

This might seem odd. After all, these are universally admired traits.

But narcissists can view these qualities as signs of weakness or vulnerability, leading them to criticize you for demonstrating such behavior.

At its core, narcissism is about maintaining a sense of superiority and control.

Seeing others express empathy or kindness can be threatening to a narcissist’s worldview. It can challenge their belief in their own supremacy.

If you’ve been criticized by a narcissist for being ‘too kind’ or ‘too emotional,’ remember that it’s not about you or your actions. It’s about their need to maintain control and feel superior.

Your empathy and kindness are strengths, not weaknesses, and they are traits to be cherished.

3) Independence and self-sufficiency

Narcissists have a knack for criticizing others for their independence and self-sufficiency.

On the surface, this seems paradoxical. Independence and self-sufficiency are generally considered positive attributes.

However, narcissists thrive on power dynamics and control.

When someone is independent and self-sufficient, they are less likely to be controlled or manipulated, which is a direct threat to a narcissist’s sense of dominance.

Interestingly, narcissists often suffer from a fear of abandonment. They may feel threatened by independent individuals as they represent the potential for loss of control or abandonment.

This fuels their need to criticize and undermine such traits in others.

If a narcissist criticizes your independence or self-sufficiency, take it as a testament to your strength and resilience. You’re not too independent, you’re just too independent for them.

4) Emotional openness

Another thing that narcissists often criticize is emotional openness.

Sharing emotions and feelings can be a beautiful and healing process. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering understanding and compassion.

However, narcissists might see this as an opportunity for criticism. They may label you as ‘too sensitive’ or ‘overly emotional.’

But please remember, your ability to be open about your feelings isn’t a weakness. It’s a strength. It shows courage, honesty, and authenticity – qualities that are rich and rare.

Don’t let anyone, including a narcissist, make you feel otherwise. Your emotional openness is a gift that allows you to connect with others in meaningful ways.

Hold onto that, and know that it’s truly something special.

5) Personal interests and hobbies

Ever been mocked by a narcissist for your love of bird-watching, dancing, or even your interest in foreign films?

Narcissists often criticize others for their personal interests and hobbies. They may dismiss them as unimportant, silly, or a waste of time.

This can feel hurtful, especially when it’s something that brings you joy and excitement. It’s as if they’re not just demeaning your hobby, but also a part of who you are.

However, it’s crucial to remember that your passions are what make you unique and interesting.

They’re a reflection of your personality and individuality. So whether it’s painting, cycling, cooking, or anything else that you love – embrace it!

Don’t let anyone’s criticism dull your enthusiasm. Your hobbies are a part of you, and they deserve to be celebrated.

6) Lifestyle choices

Suppose you’ve decided to live a minimalist lifestyle, only to be criticized by a narcissist who labels it as ‘boring’ or ‘unambitious’.

Narcissists often criticize others for their lifestyle choices, especially when those choices differ from their own. They may see these differences as an affront to their way of life and respond with criticism.

In this scenario, it can be tough not to take the criticism personally. After all, your lifestyle choices are a reflection of your values and priorities.

But it’s crucial to remember that the criticism isn’t about you or your lifestyle. It’s about the narcissist’s inability to accept or appreciate different ways of living.

Your lifestyle choices are just that – your choices. They’re personal decisions made based on what’s best for you, and they don’t have to align with anyone else’s beliefs or expectations.

7) Boundaries

If you’ve set boundaries with a narcissist, you’ve likely experienced pushback.

Narcissists often criticize others for setting boundaries, viewing it as a personal affront or a challenge to their control.

They might accuse you of being selfish, uncaring, or rigid. They might try to make you feel guilty for prioritizing your own needs.

But let’s get one thing straight: there’s nothing wrong with setting boundaries. In fact, it’s healthy and necessary for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Boundaries are not a sign of selfishness. They’re a sign of self-respect. So if a narcissist criticizes you for having boundaries, stand firm. Your wellbeing matters, and it’s okay to prioritize it.

8) Self-esteem

A narcissist’s favorite target? Your self-esteem.

Narcissists often criticize others in a way that attacks their self-esteem, making them feel less confident and valuable.

They might belittle your thoughts, dismiss your feelings, or undermine your accomplishments.

This can be incredibly hurtful and damaging. But here’s the most important thing to remember: their criticism is not a reflection of your worth.

Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. You are enough, just as you are, regardless of what a narcissist – or anyone else – might say.

Hold onto that truth. Cherish it. Because self-esteem comes from within, and no one has the power to take that away from you.

Final thoughts

Understanding the patterns and behaviors of narcissists can provide valuable insight and help navigate challenging interactions.

Remember, this article is here to equip you with knowledge, but ultimately, your emotional well-being is in your hands.

The time and energy you spend on self-love and self-care are invaluable.

Being truly resilient means not allowing the criticism of a narcissist to dictate your self-worth or rob you of your joy.

Here’s to nurturing healthier relationships, prioritizing your mental health, and living a more empowered life!

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