Study Highlights America’s Most Popular Side Hustles and Entrepreneurial Hotspots

A new study from The Kaplan Group sheds light on the rising popularity of side hustles and the entrepreneurial spirit across the United States. By analyzing search trends and business application data, the study provides insights into the most sought-after side gigs and the regions driving new business creation.

Dropshipping leads the pack as the most searched side hustle, with 5,000 monthly searches. Other popular ventures include landscaping (2,100 searches), photography (2,000), lawn care (1,800), and pet sitting (450). Notably, three of the top five—landscaping, lawn care, and pet sitting—fall under the category of home services, highlighting the continued demand for businesses that enhance home aesthetics and maintenance.

Entrepreneurial enthusiasm varies widely across states, with Wyoming demonstrating the highest number of new business applications per capita in September—720.46 per 100,000 residents. Delaware follows with 449.2 applications per 100,000 residents. However, when looking at total applications, larger states dominate, with Florida leading at 44,666, followed by California (37,988) and Texas (35,407).

Top States for New Business Applications

  • Wyoming: 720.46 applications per 100,000 residents (4,156 total)
  • Delaware: 449.2 per 100,000 (4,447 total)
  • Florida: 207.4 per 100,000 (44,666 total)
  • Montana: 189.1 per 100,000 (2,050 total)
  • Colorado: 164.1 per 100,000 (9,473 total)

These figures reveal a blend of entrepreneurial activity in both less populous states with high per capita applications and economic hubs with large absolute numbers.

The study highlights a significant interest in home services businesses, which account for 60% of the top five most searched side hustles. Landscaping and lawn care alone garnered a combined 3,900 searches, while pet sitting reflects the growing need for professional care as pet ownership continues to rise.

The study draws on data from two primary sources:

  • Search Volume Data: Sourced from Ahrefs, this data measures the popularity of specific side hustles based on keyword search trends.
  • Business Application Data: Collected from the U.S. Census Bureau, this dataset tracks new business formations across the U.S., offering insights into both per capita rates and total applications.

These datasets were analyzed to identify trends such as the prevalence of home services among side hustles and the geographic distribution of entrepreneurial activity.

Image: Envato

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