People who have a hidden agenda usually display these 8 deceptive traits (according to psychologists)

As individuals, we value honesty, transparency, and authenticity in our interactions. We want to know where we stand and that we are being treated with integrity.

Unfortunately, not everyone we interact with will have the same values. Some people may have a hidden agenda – they might be manipulative, deceitful, or scheming.

A hidden agenda is when someone’s actions or words are driven by a secret plan or intention. This can be incredibly damaging in both personal relationships and professional settings.

Psychologists have identified certain traits often displayed by those with hidden agendas. These traits can be subtle and may not be immediately obvious, but they can become evident over time.

In this article, we’ll be exploring these eight deceptive traits that psychologists suggest are common among those with a hidden agenda. So sit tight and let’s dive into the world of hidden motives and secret plans.

1) They’re vague

Vagueness isn’t always a result of forgetfulness or lack of attention to detail. Sometimes it’s a deliberate tactic used by people with hidden agendas to keep their intentions concealed.

This lack of clarity can be subtle and often goes unnoticed until it has become a pattern. Over time, you may find yourself feeling confused or unsure about their actions or explanations.

For instance, they might often give incomplete or ambiguous answers to your questions. Perhaps they frequently change topics when you ask about their plans or intentions.

Or maybe, they’re always non-committal when it comes to making decisions or taking positions on issues.

In some cases, they might use complex language or jargon to explain simple things, creating a fog of confusion around their actions.

This is a common trick used to distract from their true intentions and make their actions seem more legitimate or complicated than they actually are.

Always remember, transparency is a key aspect of trust in any relationship. Constantly dealing with ambiguity can be exhausting and damaging in the long run.

2) They divert attention

Diverting attention is another common trait you might observe in someone with a hidden agenda. This deceiving tactic is usually employed to shift focus from their motives and to distract you from what’s really going on.

For example, they might bring up a controversial topic during discussions to take the spotlight off themselves. Or, they might suddenly show an exaggerated interest in your life when you start asking questions about theirs.

Another common strategy is playing the victim card. By showcasing their problems or hardships, they draw your empathy and sympathy away from their hidden intentions.

It’s important to keep in mind that while it’s good to show empathy and support, don’t let it cloud your judgement or overlook the fact that every story has two sides.

3) They’re overly generous

Generosity is typically valued in any relationship. However, when someone is constantly showering you with gifts, favors or compliments, it might not always be out of genuine kindness.

This excessive generosity could be a tactic used by people with hidden agendas. It’s a sophisticated way of gaining your trust, creating a sense of obligation or indebtedness, and making it harder for you to question their actions or motives.

They might offer to help you even when you didn’t ask for it or give you gifts that seem too extravagant for the occasion. Or perhaps they’re always paying compliments that feel a bit over the top.

While it’s nice to receive these gestures, it’s worth considering whether there’s an ulterior motive behind them. True generosity doesn’t come with strings attached.

4) They’re manipulative

Let’s get real here. Manipulation is an ugly trait, but it’s a common tool for those harboring a hidden agenda. They use manipulation to mould situations and control people to suit their needs, often at the expense of others.

You might notice them using guilt trips, gaslighting or emotional blackmail to get their way. They might twist your words, play mind games, or exploit your insecurities.

In other instances, they may resort to flattery, fake empathy or playing on your fears to control the narrative.

The truth is, manipulation is a form of emotional abuse. It’s degrading, disrespectful and downright deceitful. You deserve honesty and respect in your interactions with others. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

5) They avoid responsibility

We all make mistakes, it’s part of being human. However, someone with a hidden agenda often struggles with accepting responsibility for their actions. They’re more likely to shift blame or make excuses rather than owning up to their mistakes.

You might notice that they always have a justification for their actions or that they tend to blame others when things go wrong. Maybe they never seem to say “I’m sorry,” or when they do, it feels insincere or forced.

It’s not your job to make excuses for someone else’s actions. It’s okay to hold people accountable. We all have the ability to learn and grow from our mistakes, but that can only happen when we take responsibility for them.

6) They’re always in a rush

Ever noticed someone who’s always in a hurry, constantly pushing to make quick decisions or skipping details? This could be more than just a personality trait; it could be a sign of a hidden agenda.

The rush could be a tactic to keep you off balance, making it difficult for you to think clearly or question their intentions.

They might insist on immediate responses or make you feel like you’re holding things up if you take time to consider your options.

But here’s the relatable part – we’ve all felt pressured at times. It’s okay to ask for time, to want to understand things better.

Good decisions aren’t always fast decisions. It’s always worth taking the time to think things through.

7) They’re a chameleon

Have you ever met someone who seems to change their colors faster than a chameleon? One minute they’re totally into sports, the next they’re all about art, just because it’s what you’re into.

People with hidden agendas often adapt their interests, opinions or even their personality to suit the situation or the people they’re dealing with.

They could be all charming and agreeable in one moment, then switch to being cold and distant in the next.

But hey, let’s keep it light-hearted! While we all have different sides to our personalities, most of us aren’t trying to win an Oscar for best actor every day.

Authenticity is key in any relationship. After all, wouldn’t it be exhausting to keep up a performance all the time? Let’s stick to being our wonderful, unique selves!

8) They lack consistency

Consistency is fundamental in any relationship, whether it’s personal or professional. But for those with a hidden agenda, their words and actions often contradict each other.

You might notice they promise one thing but deliver something completely different. Or perhaps their behavior towards you changes drastically depending on the situation or the people around.

Here’s the tough love – don’t ignore this red flag. Inconsistency is often a sign of unreliability, instability, or worse, deceit.

You deserve someone who means what they say and says what they mean. Don’t settle for less, and don’t let anyone play mind games with you. You’re worth more than that.

Moving forward with awareness and understanding

Recognizing these deceptive traits in someone can be a challenging but illuminating experience.

It’s not about labeling people, but about understanding their behaviors and motives, and more importantly, protecting yourself from harmful interactions.

Interacting with someone who has a hidden agenda can leave you feeling confused, drained, and questioning your own perceptions.

Don’t forget, your experiences are valid. Your feelings matter. You’re entitled to relationships that are built on trust, respect, and authenticity.

This article isn’t meant to make you suspicious of everyone around you. Instead, it’s intended to equip you with the knowledge to spot deceptive traits and guard against manipulation.

Having one or two of these traits doesn’t necessarily mean someone has a hidden agenda. We all have our flaws and can sometimes display these behaviors unintentionally.

But if you notice a pattern, it’s a good cause for reflection and re-evaluation.

Remember to trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. You deserve honesty and transparency in all your relationships.

As we close this article, take a moment to reflect on your interactions with others. Do they uplift you or drain you? Do they respect your boundaries? Are they consistent in their words and actions?

Knowledge is power. Continue to educate yourself, stay aware, and above all else, value your well-being and peace of mind. You owe it to yourself.

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