8 signs you’re dealing with a highly intelligent manipulator, according to psychology

by Creating Change Mag
8 signs you’re dealing with a highly intelligent manipulator, according to psychology

There’s a fine line between someone who’s persuasively smart and someone who’s manipulatively intelligent.

Manipulation, unlike influence, isn’t about giving you a choice. It’s about making you think you have one, while they pull the strings from the shadows.

Highly intelligent manipulators are incredibly crafty at this. They know the right words, the right moves, and can play the game without you even realizing you’re a pawn.

In this article, we’ll dive into the 8 signs that you’re dealing with a highly intelligent manipulator, as backed by psychology. So hold tight, things are about to get really interesting.

1) They’re always one step ahead

In the game of manipulation, being ahead of the curve plays a critical role – and highly intelligent manipulators are masters at it.

These individuals have a knack for anticipating your reactions and planning their actions accordingly. It’s as if they have a map of your thoughts, knowing which strings to pull to guide you in the direction they want.

Psychologists refer to this as strategic thinking or planning – a trait often seen in highly intelligent individuals. But when used for manipulation, it’s a dangerous tool.

So, if you find someone always seems to be one step ahead, predicting your reactions or responses, you might just be dealing with a highly intelligent manipulator.

2) They make you question your reality

Ever had a conversation where you walked away thinking, “Wait, did that really just happen?” I have, and let me tell you, it was a real wake-up call.

I used to know someone who was exceptionally good at twisting things around. One day, we had a disagreement about a task at work. I was sure I was right and had the facts to back it up. But by the end of the conversation, I found myself questioning my own memory.

This is known as gaslighting in psychological terms – an insidious form of manipulation where the manipulator makes you doubt your own perception of reality. It’s a common tactic employed by highly intelligent manipulators.

They’re so good with their words and arguments that they can make black seem white and day appear as night. So if you ever find yourself doubting your sanity after a conversation, you might be dealing with a manipulator.

3) They use your weaknesses against you

Highly intelligent manipulators don’t just know your strengths, they’re well aware of your weaknesses too. And they’re not afraid to use them to their advantage.

This might seem like something out of a spy novel, but it’s actually quite prevalent in day-to-day life. According to research, manipulators often exploit the vulnerabilities of others to gain power or control.

These individuals can sense emotional vulnerabilities and personal insecurities, using them as leverage to sway you in their favor. It’s a subtle play of power dynamics – one that leaves you feeling vulnerable and powerless.

So if someone consistently seems to tap into your insecurities or weaknesses during interactions, be wary. You could be dealing with a highly intelligent manipulator.

4) They’re incredibly charming

Don’t be fooled by a warm smile and flattering words. Highly intelligent manipulators often use charm as a deceptive tool.

They’re like chameleons, adapting to situations and people with ease. Their charm can make you feel special and valued, making it easier for them to subtly influence your actions and decisions.

You might think you’re just dealing with a charismatic individual, but there’s more to it. Beneath the veneer of charm and charisma often lies a manipulative agenda.

So next time someone’s charm seems too good to be true, be cautious. You might be in the presence of a skilled manipulator.

5) They play the victim card

One of the most disheartening things about dealing with a highly intelligent manipulator is their ability to play the victim.

They have a knack for turning any situation around, making themselves appear as the aggrieved party. They do this to earn your sympathy and ultimately, gain control over you.

It’s heartbreaking to see someone you care about in pain. And they know this. They bank on your empathy, using it as a means to their end.

So if someone constantly seems to be the unfortunate one even in situations where they’re in the wrong, tread carefully. It could be a sign that you’re dealing with a manipulator.

6) They offer unsolicited advice

I remember a time when a friend constantly provided advice on matters I never asked for. It started with small things, like what to wear or which movie to watch. Then it escalated to bigger life decisions, like career choices and relationships.

What I initially perceived as concern soon turned out to be a form of control. This is a common tactic used by highly intelligent manipulators. They offer advice, often unsolicited, as a way to influence your decisions and control your actions.

So if you find someone frequently imposing their opinions or advice on you, take a step back. You might be dealing with a manipulator.

7) They’re expert guilt-trippers

Ever dealt with someone who has an uncanny ability to make you feel guilty for things you shouldn’t? That’s another sign of a highly intelligent manipulator.

They know precisely how to induce guilt and use it as a tool to get their way. It might be a subtle comment about how much they’ve done for you or a reminder of that one time they helped you out.

Guilt is a powerful emotion, and manipulators know how to wield it effectively. So if you often find yourself feeling guilty after interactions, it might be time to reassess the relationship.

8) They rarely admit their mistakes

The most crucial thing to know about highly intelligent manipulators is that they rarely, if ever, admit their mistakes. They have a knack for shifting blame and avoiding accountability.

Whether it’s a minor error or a significant blunder, they’ll find a way to make it someone else’s fault. This lack of responsibility is a clear sign of manipulation.

If someone consistently avoids admitting their mistakes and instead shifts the blame onto others, be alert. You’re likely dealing with a manipulator.

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